Title: Summum Bonum (8/9)
fluffygremlinPairings: Mike/Harvey, Mike/Trevor
Rating: R
Warnings: There is angst in this chapter.
Word Count: 2,088 (this chapter)
Summary: When Professor Harvey Specter stumbled upon a skinny student getting harassed by a campus cop, he intervened against his better judgment. He had no idea this brilliant kid would
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Comments 2
and I love it (I originally wrote "and I love you" which is also technically true).
Dear Professor Specter,
Please get off your high horse (meant in the nicest way possible) long enough to see that Mike adores you and would never do anything to hurt you.
Also get with the make up porn already.
Yours frustratingly
Is it wrong that I'm craving a chapter where we see Harvey all destroyed and out of sorts without his Puppy? :(
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