I hung out with Angelica today.<3 We went to Yogurtland, CVS Pharmacy, and liquor store. Now, lemme explain the title of this entry, "Sex Offenders." Well, as me and Angelica were walking home through the alley, there was this person in a car drove up to us. He said, "Heyy." I said, "Hi?" Then he asked, "Where are you guys going?" Angelica said, "Uhhh, home?" The creepy guy said something else, I didn't hear, but something like wanting to give us a ride. I was creeped out so I told Angelica, "Let's just walk away." So, we walked away. But that guy freaking drove up to us again! WTF, right?! And he said something again, but luckily, we met some Cambodian guy named Ryan, and the car drove away. -.-" Phewww... We could have died man! We're lucky. And I used to go down that alley by myself.... I don't ever wanna go down there ever again. You have no idea how many times, I got scary ass pedophiles. There was one at the mall, asking for my number, and he even asked me to wait four more years for that guy. Wtf... Another was when me & Lysa were walking into Great Mall. An old man was licking his tongue at us. Ughhh, grosss. Another one was when I was at the bus station at Eastridge. And the guy touched my necklace and asked me, "How much?" He sounded like those "retarded" speaking people. And I said, "Uhh, idk." Then later, I thought he was gonna touch my ring, but he started touching my fingers and asked me, "How much?" I was fucking creeped out so I stood up, and walked away. Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy perverted assholes. Sucks for mee.
And I never mentioned, Tuesday was me & Hoan's 9 months.<3 But, he's being a huge jerk. G@Y.