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I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity.
Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
Loki (finding himself bored and hilarious, I guess) presents you with a choice. You can be transported to a world/timeline that promises adventure and fulfillment for you, but you aren't permitted to take anything from your current life with you, or to speak with your loved ones before you leave; to them, it'll seem that you've disappeared. Alternatively, you can give up the chance to live in your daydreams-made-reality to stay with the people and possessions you've collected in this life. What do you decide to do?
I--I just have this terrible feeling, what with this being Loki, that my daydreams have a catch or snare in them, someplace. I definitely would not want to live in my nightmares! For example. Annnd love for those here is what's kept me alive.
The things, not so much! I would be possessive of my belongings, with a greedy streak, but a good giver of gifts, even in Adventureland. (I actually have this running theory that people with a little materialism give lavish gifts by default because that's the kind of appetite we have? TL;DR) So...Yeah. Keep my head down and stay indoors, here at home in this world. It would have been beautiful; alas.
You're a new character from Mortal Kombat. DESCRIBE YOUR FATALITY.
Vertical disembowelment in order to reach into a still-steaming coil of intestines, haul them out, and play a fun game of jump-rope! Wacky fun for the whole family has always been the best part of MK. --I can't decide if maybe this should be my Friendship move instead, honestly.
Miss Mary MACK, MACK, MACK, all dressed in BLACK, BLACK, BLACK...
In a ground-based war campaign, would you rather have a unicorn or dinosaur mount?
Triceratops! It has more horns and more armor than a unicorn, but unlike a velociraptor, it won't try to eat me while I sleep. TRICERATOPS IS THE CLYDESDALE of the unicorns v. dinosaurs offensive. :D
What three things besides water would you hoard jealously in a post-apocalyptic wasteland?
Hmm, I took this question very seriously and put a lot of thought into it; these deer are teal.
People say "lol bullitz an GUNZZZ". If you're not actually a soldier and have never held a gun before in your life? THIS IS A MISTAKE. D:
Uh, anyway.
Books. They absorb fallout when used as shelter lining, make an okay mattress, and are a resource that doesn't need other resources (batteries, fuel, etc.) to function. Practical books on car repair, carpentry, and the like? SUDDENLY A ZILLION TIMES MORE IMPORTANT. ~Delicious barter~ AND--if the flash melts my eyeballs, I'll still be the only person on the block with toilet paper and fuel for fire. (Roast Twilight, anyone?)
Plastic of all shapes, sizes, and types. It can be fashioned into weapons and used as storage, insulation, tourniquets, etc. etc. etc., and most people won't think "OMG THIS HAS VALUE", making a wide variety of plastic easy to acquire and hoard. Especially during the initial panic.
Dried food. Doesn't last as long as canned, but if you've only got canned and some genius didn't bring a can opener, you're fucked. (Jerky, Poptarts, MRE, anything that will keep FOR ETERNITY and still contain reasonable carbs/protein and was pre-sterilized/packaged.)
Protip: Don't shoot food. Don't let others know you have food. They will kill you for it.
5. What song should play on the end credits of your life?
I like
this recording of The Party's Over, but it's possible I'm just a strange bird.
Do I get more cool points for
The Beauty Never Lasts by Ugress?
It doesn't help that I legitimately think Gloomy Sunday is inspiration and explanation in one; also I CAN'T STOP LISTENING TO BILLIE HOLIDAY AND IT IS DIRECTLY YOUR FAULT. ♥
So, yes, leave me a comment and get an interview! :D