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Jan 21, 2006 22:45

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1) What video game does rabbit_964 remind you of? la la la la elmo's world
2) What is gongalope's shoe size? berry berry big
3) If stark_88 took over the world, who would suffer? her brothers :P
4) Would you set up gongalope and stark_88? oooh good idea
5) Does gongalope have a big secret? lol well it wouldnt be a secret if i knew about it would it
6) One quality you find attractive in gongalope? lol um ur sense of humor in a strictly friend way lol
7) What is stark_88 allergic to? correander i think lol
8) What is rabbit_964's favorite movie? lol depends it changes daily. it has been a walk to remember and crazy beatuiful and a nights tail but i know it could be anything today. which is the way to go i say
9) Is ceri_m88 a high school student? nope! not ne more!
10) Is gongalope friends with stark_88? i believe so, one of those non really talking friendships ;)
11) Where was rabbit_964 born? toowoomba
12) Would gongalope go out with rabbit_964? hmm fancy u 2 comming up together. in that order! i believe so
13) Are gongalope and rabbit_964 going steady? huh .steady on horsey.
14) Does ceri_m88 know rabbit_964? i believe so :P
15) Is gongalope dead sexy? ha ha ha oh yea for sure :P
16) Does ceri_m88 travel a lot? um not really
17) Is stark_88 an emo? lol depends on what day it is and if she wakes up on the right side of the bed :P nah
18) Does loz_h smoke? nope.
19) What animal should loz_h be combined with? um well let me think. nothing too hairy coz we dont want her to have to wax hourly. nothing with feathers or fur as we wouldnt want her to get hairballsnothing with too many teeth as we cant have her brushing all day. um well thats that my conclusion is. a fly
20) Where was rabbit_964 born? i was already asked that 1
21) Does gongalope have a crush on loz_h? lol not that im aware of
22) What would you do if ceri_m88 died? not really thinking on that one
23) What mental disorder does stark_88 remind you of? there isnt a name for it its one of those unknown unidentified mental diseases with no cure
24) If loz_h was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? hairball feather man
25) Would you wrestle gongalope in jello? why do i alwasy ge tthese ones for josh lol
26) Has gongalope been to your house/dorm? yer
27) Would gongalope and stark_88 make a good couple? yea for sure! if u changed their personalities and looks and style then they would be perfect. lol nah um i dont know maybe
28) Thoughts on stark_88? well she is verry starky. lol no she is awesome and fun in the most stylish way :P
29) What is stark_88's favorite game? frizbee :P
30) Do gongalope and loz_h go to the same school? did
31) What is rabbit_964's favorite band/artist? ha ha thats even more ever changing than the movies :P the last time i saw her it was nickelback but i havent seen her in about a month so its probably been multiple ones
32) What would you do if you found out gongalope has a crush on you? lol wouldnt happen :P
33) Does stark_88 drink? oooh yea
34) Would gongalope and loz_h look good together? u never know
35) Have you ever dated gongalope? nope
36) Is stark_88 1337? 1337? no idea
37) How long have you known loz_h? um 2 yrs? well really this yr so 1
38) Which president would ceri_m88 be likely to idolize? ha ha ha i dont even know the names of any but bush and i dont think she idolises him. unless she secretly does?
39) Is stark_88 related to you? nope
40) What is loz_h's favorite color? lol i actually dont really know :o
41) What would gongalope give rabbit_964 for his/her birthday? um a turkey
42) Is ceri_m88 your best friend? one of them! :)
43) What comic book character would gongalope be? bevis form bevis and butt head lol
44) If rabbit_964 and ceri_m88 were siamese twins, where would they be joined? pinkies. that would be funny :P
45) Would you make out with gongalope? and again with the josh
46) Does loz_h do drugs? nope drung are bad
47) What word best describes rabbit_964? random
48) How many monkeys could stark_88 fight at once and win against? as many as she could without them recking her hair
49) What is gongalope's biggest flaw? roof (:P) um i dunno
50) What would rabbit_964 think of loz_h? um ask her that
51) Has gongalope dyed their hair? no
52) Is loz_h single? nope
53) What planet should loz_h be from? unknown plannet
54) Are gongalope and rabbit_964 going out? no
55) When did you last call rabbit_964? tuesday
56) If stark_88 were hanging off a cliff, what would rabbit_964 do? stand and laugh. lol nah fly and lift her up. nah go get mc donalds nah help as best she could
57) Did gongalope break up with you? were we going out would be a better question. and no
58) Are gongalope and stark_88 married? not yet :P no
59) Is gongalope a nerd? ha ha ha yes
60) Does rabbit_964 go to your school? did
61) What do you disagree with rabbit_964 about? um her like for mushrooms
62) Is stark_88 a college student? nope not ne more
63) Would ceri_m88 be a better ninja or pirate? pirate yea
64) What color should rabbit_964 dye their hair? green :P
65) What would gongalope do differently in your shoes? ha ha ha um well he wouldnt fit into my shoes lol and he would look pretty um poofy
66) How would rabbit_964 kill ceri_m88? a shot gun spade and rubber ducky
67) Is gongalope in a relationship? nope
68) Do you think gongalope is hot? ha ha oooh yea hot n spicy
69) What is loz_h's favorite food?
70) If ceri_m88 had a superpower, what would it be? to dance someone into a dizzy coma
71) Have you flirted with gongalope? ha ha ha for sure. lol no
72) Do you have rabbit_964's screenname?
73) Could you see gongalope and loz_h together? not really no
74) Where did you first meet gongalope? skool
75) How long would gongalope dating stark_88 last? lol from what i know not that long lol dunno maybe forever and they will get married
76) What song/movie would you recommend to ceri_m88? cross roads?
77) Which of your friends should gongalope go out with?
78) What do you agree with stark_88 about? her choice in fake eyelashes :P
79) How tall is rabbit_964? tall who said anything about tall :P
80) If stark_88 and loz_h were spliced together, what would it be like? spliced? yum i like splices they are yummy i used to eat them at the beach with my grandma
81) If rabbit_964 and stark_88 were spliced together, what would be its name? huh is splice another word for having babies or something ewww
82) What animal does rabbit_964 remind you of? beaver (first thing that popped)
83) What flavor of jello would rabbit_964 be? multi coloured and ever changing in ur mouth
84) What languages does gongalope speak? sometimes english the rest jibberish
85) What exotic animal would rabbit_964 like as a pet? lol um ferret is that exotic?
86) gongalope's eye color? brown
87) If loz_h took over the world, who would be happy? her :P
88) Where would stark_88 most like to visit? melbourne to see someone ;)
89) Do you have a crush on gongalope? shhh dont tell ne one :P lol nah
90) One thing you can't stand about gongalope? dunno
91) Does rabbit_964 have a dog? yup chloe
92) What rank would gongalope have in a giant robot army? the head
93) Is ceri_m88 athletic? for sure
94) If stark_88 commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? fashoin gurus
95) Is ceri_m88 related to gongalope? not that i know of
96) Is rabbit_964 popular? certainly
97) Is gongalope introverted or extroverted? well he has a poppy inny bellybutton :P
98) rabbit_964's hair color? browny blondy
99) Would you ever date gongalope?
100) How would ceri_m88 conquer the world? swiftly, cunningly and smoothly
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