Title: Peace Out
Genre: humor, romance
Rating: PG
Pairing: Junseung, mentioned Dooseob
Summary: Hyunseung's necklace, the one he wears everday, well...it's not really his. It's a present he bought for Junhyung. Too bad Junhyung is about as elusive as a prancing unicorn..
A.N: Dedicated and written fo
justcallmepriya! My gift to you wonderful brain twin!
It was perfect: original without being ostentatious, funky without being flamboyant. He untangled the chain from the others and fought his way to the small counter at the end of the walkway. As the girl wrung up his purchase, Hyunseung slipped a small grin. Junhyung would love it. )
Comments 12
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yes, Dooj is a jealous, jealous man! heehee (inspired by real life when he apparently pouted and junseob for days cause he found junseob shippers kkkk)
I'm really happy that you liked it! ^ ^ thanks for leaving such a sweet comment! <3 <3
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