continuously changing my return flight, putting myself on waitlists for full flights, boycotting the reservation i already have AND not showing up at the flight for which i was scheduled to stand by = my dysfunctional attempts at merging 2 disparate spaces.
the school year's over. i'm excited about where my art is, but i give myself a C- for the way i've been handling other aspects of my life. i am sending my ass to GET-MY-SHIT-TOGETHER BOOTCAMP
what the hell is wrong with me? every time i eat i get really nauseous afterwards. it's been more than 2 weeks now (i had some weird flu symptoms in the beginning). i also can't have 2 drinks without feeling barfy. something's so off.
i just saw "crumb" for the first time at bodine's house. holy shit. those crumb brothers are awesome. they can't be real. charles crumb was a brilliant man.