Jul 23, 2009 14:29
name: Bianca
experience: none whatsoever
e-mail/ IM: moogleknight12 (at) hotmail (dot) com / moogleknight12 (msn messenger)
nation: Switzerland, Swiss Confederation
name: Vash Zwingli
nicknames: None, but for some reason Feliciano and Antonio have a habit of calling him Queso,
he is not sure why...
age: 24
date of birth: August 1, 1986
hometown: Bern, Switzerland
occupation: Vash is currently an ex-cop running his own Pay-for-hire/ oddjobs office with partner Logan Mortlock
residence: He is currently living in a large home with Lenna right next door to Roma Vargas.
family: He likes to think of Lenna as his younger sister because he has no blood related siblings; He has a mother and father
first impression: "W-why is he pointing a gun at me??"
1. Vash has always been the type of guy who found himself protecting those in need even though he himself didn't enjoy getting into arguements. Even though he is not a very large fellow he tends to let out a very scary glare most of the time and not many dare to even try attacking him. This very stare has stopped many criminals in their tracks, that and a .50 AE Desert Eagle pointed in their face.
2. The standard 9 mm Beretta that was issued to his division just wasn't cutting it for him and, being the arms connoisseur that he was, he decided to raid the evidence locker and begin carrying more illegal appropriate weaponry. Most officers are not equipped to handle more powerful weaponry around the clock but for Vash it is as though he cannot possibly continue his duties without at least a .41 Magnum by his side. His current favorite at the moment is .50 AE Desert Eagle.
3. His family first moved to America when he was 11 years of age bringing along with them a young Lenna Segur. Lenna had been a childhood friend of Vash's from a very young age and he became very fond of the sweet girl. He sees her as his younger sister and can be a very protective and doting brother when the situation calls for it. Vash has always regretted that he couldn't prevent the incident that sent Lenna to the hospital, and since then has vowed to find the culprits and envoke justice upon them. His choice for a career in law enforcement was backed by this decision.
4. When Vash first entered the Liberty Police Academy he was at the top of his class right from the get go and most officers already had considered him a prodigy after the entrance exam. Not only did he pass with flying colors but he also beat the old record on the obstacle course of 4min. 50s. with a boastful 3min. 20s. When asked for a comment on the subject matter he replied " I'll have to thank Len later for her homemade cooking..." Since then a rumor has risen from the academy saying that Len must be a 5-star chef from the Gourmet World who only appears to the Gods of law enforcement to cook them a meal that would make even Zeus himself cry lightining bolt tears of envy.
5. From a young age Vash has always been a fan of shoot em' up movies and bloody films, however never found anyone to go with him to enjoy the splatter. He had tried taking Lenna once to the opening of Pulp Fiction but has since regretted the day after finding out that he was the cause of giving her an extreme night terror. Since then he has gone alone on opening nights to most, if not all, gun related action films that have appeared in both Switzerland and America in the last 20 years. He does not like to admit it but most of the skills he's aquired over the years were due to intensive concentration during action and shooter movies. In a way it has desensitized him from the violence that comes hand in hand with his job.
6. Even though it comes with the job, he dislikes when civilians disrespect his authority and tends to use his position to his advantage, cops don't carry batons around for nothing. If a suspect gives him any lip he does not hesitate using violence or threats to make it go his way as long as it does not come down to verbal confrontation. Though he is a police officer he does not have very good speaking skills and his scowling face only tends to scare suspects and make them nervous. Many times after pulling over someone with an expired license plate it turns into a car chase.
7. Long ago when Vash was still living in Switzerland word had got around that Vash was a very powerful fighter. One day an older Austrian boy approached him asking if he could please teach him how to fight. Though reluctant at first, Vash agreed when he noticed the boy was constantly getting beat up but would only teach him if the boy promised to fight only when challanged . After spending time with the Austrian he they created many memories and he felt that he had gained a friend. However, his pupil later broke the bond of trust they had between them by not only challenging a group of older boys but also losing disgracefully as Vash watched in secret. He then confronted his former pupil infruriated by his actions and stated that he never wished to have known such a person. From that day onward Vash refused to acknowledge that he ever had any sort of frienship with the boy ever again.
8. Unlike most officer and rookies who ride police cars Vash rides a motorcycle. It was a system that the Liberty Police Department was trying out but after the many attempted escapes from suspects it was later scrapped. However, Vash was so charming when he asked to keep the motorcycle that the station chief allowed it as long as he increased the section of the city that he was to patrol. Agreeing whole-heartedly Vash did increase the part of the city he had to patrol, however he has to call backup in order to pick up arrested suspects since on a motorcycle he can only take one in the side car *after he is knocked out with a tazer of course.
9. Though he is an openly violent apprehensive kind of guy Vash doesn't enjoy being very violent in front of Lenna. He is not exactly sure why but whenever he has any violent tendencies in front of her its as though he feels that he was not setting a good example as a big brother. However, if it is to protect her from something or someone he doesn't hesitate to go all out, guns a blazing. Lenna says she understands his actions but he can't help feeling that he can do things a better way.
10. Frequently has to stop and ticket Feliciano for public nudity outside of the Charleston Apartments, stopping by at least once or twice daily around 4pm in order to make sure the young Italian doesn't scar any young children's eyes with his pants less prancing. It may seem like he has a bone to pick with Feliciano but in reality he just takes upholding the law to the fullest extent that he can. He also doesn't mind the small bonus it brings around Christmas time either.
secret: During the time Vash was teaching his young Austrian friend acquaintance he learned that the boy enjoyed chocolate cakes and Vash asked his mother to teach him to bake cakes, pastries, and chocolates made with his families secret recipe. He enjoyed making them for the boy and would sometimes make chocolates for Lenna. However, after that certain incident Vash refused to bake pastries or make chocolates for many years; it is only recently that he started trying to pick up baking again, except he refuses to do it for anyone other then Lenna not that anyone else asks.