
Jan 09, 2011 21:13

* All fields must be filled out. If you feel a question doesn't apply, use N/A.
* Any application submitted without the questions intact will be denied without review.
* Any accompanying Upgrades or temporary TP character applications can be appended to the bottom of this application OR sent to the same e-mail address seperately. Do please note in the application there are seperate accompanying applications in that case.
* If for some reason you quit and/or are fired/sitebanned during the course of your TP, staff will pick it up and run it in your stead at their discretion.
* READ ME: If your TP requires out-of-character behavior on the part of a player or a faction as a whole to work out the way you want it to, RETHINK IT BEFORE SUBMISSION. It might get ruined because someone didn't act the way you thought they would.

1) What is the name of your character you intend to use to run the TP?
Reize Seatlan

2) What is the classification of this TP? (Minor, Major, Global, or Suggestion)

3) What is your e-mail address?

4) What other players are to be involved in the running of this TP?

Lily will be a main important piece to the TP, as it is a bit centered on her role as what her true identity is. Otherwise, folks that are very important to Reize will likely play a key role in the TP. However, it will be open for all. In fact, Anselm will be seeking alliance with the Confederates.

5) Do you request TP admin assistance? If so list a number. Also if there's a specific TP Admin you wish to handle this, give a name, however we reserve the right to assign a seperate one. We also may adjust the number up or down.

I have a few requests, actually.

1) I request for The Guy to play as Anselm Richter, the main villain of the TP.

2) I request for Raze to play as Reize's mother.

3) For Reize to have boss-base stats for the event of the consuming of the darkness occurs.

4) For someone to NPC Lord Seatlan, the manifestation of Reize will end up in the future if his path continues.

6) Give a overview of the TP plot here. The more descriptive the better.

I'll admit, Kingdom Hearts was a huge influence for this TP.

The TP Will be held in Reize's world, Gaia.


The start will likely take place in the opened Multiverse, as the Union ICly suggested that Reize was to schedule where the meeting point should be. This is where the introductions to Anselm and his division of Tol Rauko templars take place. Reize will actually recognize him as the man who slain a criminal in a town.
Nevertheless, the purpose of the meeting is to request for help in regards to the invaders of darkness out in Gaia. Gaia has been plagued with strange creatures, referred to as the Abyssals. He is aware of the pursuing her, but he explains that she is able to seal them. He places a bargaining chip on the table: Information about Reize's mother. With the weight of Gaia and the information about his mother, Reize is willing to accept it.

Those that travel with Reize will get to explore a few regions of Gaia. In a way, Anima's setting is akin to Final Fantasy Tactics, in that the church's word is law. People, by large, are fearful of the supernautral. The region that this will take place in is in... .

They will explore 3-4 sites where some of the creatures have taken over, producing more of themselves. They will encounter many of Tol Rauko's templars defending the front as well as Anselm in some of the areas. Each defeat of the originators will likely result in Anselm finally joining up with them, musing back to a tale of his familiar adventure.

(With each story, Lily may experience momentary sickness).

The last site, however, is where things are actually at the turning point of the story. The participation between those that travel will encounter a massive infestation of the abyssals. Reize and Lily will be separated from the companions. In that separation, Reize and Lily encounter the True Originator, who they have to defeat.

At the same time, the companions will have defeated the mass of creatures as well the other half of the Originator. That is the end of it all, right?

REVELATIONS - At this point, this will go beyond Gaia and out to the Multiverse.

Not quite. This is where Anselm finishes the story of the travel, reflecting back that it was where his father, himself, his mother, and another traveler once traveled to. The whole story of 'saving Gaia' from the abyssals was actually a ruse. Revelations about the journey and his hatred of Reize's father will come out. The final stage was to separate Lily and Reize from the others. Reize's purpose in it was due to the pendant, which Anselm will take upon 'killing' him. Lily will become Anselm's mindslave with a relic that he procured: The Eye of Jedah. Lily is required as a key.

Stangely, however, as Lily's memories restore, some form of cataclysm occurs: The location to the former floating tower disappears and is now lost within the Multiverse. This in part of making the relic out in the Multiverse proper instead of just Gaia. This leaves Anselm seeking alliance with the Confederates, offering his troops. Finding the lost tower is a primary objective; now possessing the two keys needed.

While Anselm has his goals, he doesn't mind helping the Confederates. After all, Reize is part of the Union and some of his friends will likely come after him.

BREAKING POINT - Acceptance of Darkness

As Reize starts getting involved again, he'll start to be tested of the idealisms. This is where he finds himself in conflict and his beliefs will take a beating. This is partly due to that I can see Anselm purposely doing it to break the beliefs that Reize's father taught him. This could range from villages burning to even unsuccessfully saving someone.

The breaking point is when someone important dies. When Reize experiences his final failure: Every single failure from the points of the time of his arrival to the Multiverse, the failures that occured in few of the TPs that happened, of Lily's abduction, and more will finally dig into Reize to where he lets his destructive power take over him. Through the darkness of his heart will create a manifestation of a powerful future based on the path of where Reize may go: A wandering masked knight(the identity won't be known) who's sentiments are filled with rage.

Those who try to search him out will find him at where his adventure started: A crystal cavern. This will be a battle of ideals: Reize's belief of power ruling all or the ideals that he should had kept.

Considering the tale of Eradina's curse, Reize will seek out a way to redeem himself. For Lily's sake, he has to. However, they are confronted with the Wandering Sentiments: Reize Seatlan in his late-20s, filled with hatred. Reize may lose a part of himself. But he will receive something of importance.

Amalthea will have an role, particularly her Wish Generator. Reize to bring back someone important, in turn, this will bring closure with the said person revived.

Act V: Confrontation

One important scene as the location is known is the confrontation with the mysterious fortune teller, who wants to keep Reize and the group from further pursuing Anselm(in fear of his life). This is where Reize and the group battle his mother.

The tower had risen and it's up to the protagonists to stop Anselm from releasing the Lost Relic that was sealed away. It will be an epic battle between the forces of good and evil. This will draw upon the Confederates vs the Union in defending the fortress. However, with Anselm with the awakened key, Eradina, he'll be a force to be reckoned with. However, Anselm will lose control of the sword; in his rage before he dies, he opens the Wake.

The battle will be split. Those who remain within the battle field will be dealing with a creature from the wake(aka. What Should Not Had Escaped) while those that earned Anselm's wrath(up to temper) and Reize will be brought inside the Wake. From there, they will find Anselm in the form of a Nightmare Lord. There will be two surprise guests to assist: Reize's mother and father.

Post-battle allows a bit of a heartwarming reunion... Which does not last long as Lily's revelation, knocking both parents out. It will be Reize vs Lily and then she will transform to her true form: Eradina, the sealed Daedalus. It will be forces vs Eradina.

This will result in Lily's death... Yet the memories will transfer to Eradina. Reize stays behind within the Wake to purify the cursed sword, effectively having him unplayable for a few months or so. As I will be pulling a Rydia, Reize will eventually return to the grid as an adult. And he will be married to Eradina/Lily.

LORD SEATLAN - Blackguard

Thanks to Jozan, who had shown up recently, this actually helped me flesh the idea out of how this became to be. As Reize kept the powers of destruction at his side, he continued to fight using the powers in order to defeat Anselm. The war waged took a heavy toll as not only did he lose Lily to the merging of the sword, but he lost Mateo and likely his friends. Anselm was killed, but Reize lost everything. Reize took the cursed sword, Eradina. As his heart was filled with impurities, he too lost everything of himself to the sword.

Jozan offered him the path of the Blackguard. With nothing left, Reize accepted it, abandoning the idealisms that he once had.

Now, Lord Seatlan is 27 years old. In the end, he desires his own death, but until then, he will destroy everything that comes his way.

7) What is the intended conclusion of the TP? A detailed explanation is preferred.

This will be the end of Young Reize's adventure. This will also be the end of Lily. To save the memories of her and Eradina, the true form, Reize will stay with the sword. His pure heart will help purify Eradina and the two will bond. It will end with Eradina asking Reize to marry her. Reize will eventually come back on grid as an adult and with a bonded sword.

This is closure to Young Reize's adventure; from the revelation of Lily's true origins and closure between Reize and Renee, to the reunion of his mother, who he longed to meet. This will offer a (OOC) revelation on how Reize had the destructive magic in him in the first place.

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