My side of this public and never ending drama llama:
Fun, Shaid, and I joined an LS run by Jaydawg.
The rules were simple.
You come, and you can lot on 2 items.
Our VERY first run with the group Fun lotted on and won both RDM hat and NIN gloves. Lucky and unlucky because it put him and me subsequently on the "I no like em" list of Gendle, an officer. Mature? No. Reality. Yes.
Drama ensued as you can imagine. How dare fun waltz into a group and walk away with 2 of the most coveted drops from xarc? How dare he indeed.
The next run Xarc again fun came on his RDM. He gave 100% sleeping, curing, hasting, enfeebling... What a good RDM does, mind you that not all the RDM's in this LS do this.. some of them think that their job is to hold down the ground and stare off into space.
But then fun committed the ultimate sin..
He casted silence on a NIN demon that he had been keeping asleep.
*cue dramatic organ music*
Nothing happened as a result of this sin other than the NIN demon was unable to cast spells.
However, this was the moment Grendle had been dreaming of a little light bulb went on above his head.. a chance to humiliate and ridicule a new member who had had the audacity to lot higher on the damn RDM hat.
Muhahah oh the power of being a dyna officer! It went to a poor taru's head.
Grendle said a few choice words in LS chat about "noobs" and "screenshots".
Then he posted his screen shots on the forums so that other hatless RDM's could make comments like, "glad to see OUR chapeaus are being put to good use".
I chimed in on the thread and I won't say I was diplomatic about it but my comment sparked a little drama llama in which both the leader and another officer posted supporting Grendle in posting the screen shot and just generally condemning public flame wars. The thread was locked.
So according to Jay, Lys, and Grendle the LS policy is to post screen shots of mistakes made by members so as to belittle them... oh I mean so the rest of the LS can learn from their example.
Next run... an officer casts Diaga on a pull...
Full wipe.
"doesn't matter who did it, it was a mistake"
It was a mistake and I would not have dreamed of trying to humiliate her for her mistake but I couldn't help but compare the two situations.
So to recap:
Fun casts silence on a NIN, no one dies as a result.
Officer casts diaga on an entire pull, everyone dies as a result.
Fun is the noob who should be humiliated so as to be an example of how people will be treated in this LS.
But only if your definition of "people" is anyone except the cliche that is running this LS.
I r ppl
u r ppl
wdnt u lik 2 b a ppl 2!
(trying to lighten the mood of gloom and doom)
We left this LS because from day one this was bullshit. If Fun had not gotten drops then they would have nothing to say but because both he and Shaid received relic from the group we are now "LS bouncers" according to my friend Lys who posted that on his LJ without ever even talking to me. This is an excellent example of a bad apple spoiling the bunch. One officer with a personal and ridiculous grudge but with the apparent support of the rest of the people running the LS turns into 3 people leaving the LS.
I really don't care about the gear as lame as that might sound. I have been feeling exasperated with the cycle of "get gear-to-get-more-gear" I want to have fun and try new things. Dyna was a new thing to me but it was most decidedly not fun.
The bottom line is that I am happy with my decision. Call me a bouncer all you want but in the end the less drama llama the better. I wish Jay well, I really liked the guy and I sincerely hope he gets his THF hands. Lys and I talked some in game although I don't feel anything was resolved. If our leaving made him look bad for vouching for us I am sorry for that. It can be hard when friends won't play nice with other friends and we are forced to choose. I made the choice that was right for me and that is all I would ask of anyone else.