Aug 04, 2025 23:41

please read this link it is long and frustrating but it is an interesting read ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

mcymm August 5 2006, 14:19:12 UTC
Sounds like you are having a shitty go of things. How much time in advance do you need to get your work Visa and Passport? I hope your birth certificate comes soon.

The radio in Thunder Bay sucks as well. I am starting to go mental. I think it may be time to get a satellite radio...
Hope things go better.


flutterby69 August 6 2006, 04:49:25 UTC
i was just cranky yesterday but thanks. once i have my birth cert it will take no time to get the pass port done and after that about a week or so for the holiday working visa. after that is done all i have to stress about is money. i dont really want to have to work too much when im down but i might have too. if i get the lawsuit figured out money will not be a problem, if i dont then shitty buzz i guess.

i have been stressing about going to edmonton aswell. i dont want to drive (i dont like to drive on the hwy anymore) so i want to fly which isnt really expensive, about the same as bus fare,(i fuggin hate the bus) and then there is a hotel, i found one for the weekend for like $89 a night. its not a lot of money to go up but i dont really have it to spend and i do not want to stay at vanessa's house. a couple of my friends are up there cuz of work but they are prolly at a hotel as well (riggers) so thats no help but it would be nice to say goodbye b4 o go to them as well.

anyway too much to stress about and too little time.


mcymm August 6 2006, 18:26:46 UTC
Things will work out. Don't worry about a hotel if we are up there at the same time...I have lots of places to stay with some normal unscary people....who won't be scared of us either. Are you scared to drive with anyone on the highway or are you scared of driving on the's that PTSD, huh?


flutterby69 August 10 2006, 04:54:35 UTC
its just BEING on the hwy. im better when im in control so in theory i could drive myself but ive never been to edmonton in my life! i think that vanessa should find out when she is having her baby shower so we can make plans but that sounds great if there is someone who is willing to take in a stranger for a weekend i would be in their debt! when will you be in edmonton?

sorry if it takes a long time foe me to check this . i only get a chance to look at lj and email when im at work wed -sat 9p-7a


blossom_angel August 8 2006, 22:02:45 UTC
well I dont have any money but here *hands you a horseshoe* good luck ;)


flutterby69 August 10 2006, 05:03:39 UTC
aawww thanks buddy :p


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