
Jun 08, 2005 23:57

01. reply with your name and I will write something I like about you ( Read more... )

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Comments 47

crazysara59 June 9 2005, 03:59:09 UTC


Jesus christ TWO MINUTES... flutterbyebaby June 9 2005, 04:11:46 UTC
01. I like that you are a JAP and proud, but you can still be cool and loserly (not an oxymoron)
02. That song that is on the radio that I like that you sang on your roof that day before the zoo
03. 11 PM, because you are a party girl and thats when the party starts
04. JAP/loser/vagina/serene/whiteyjew
05. When we were buddies at grad party, or kitchen table chats, or the time we smoked cigs on the Upper West side, or the day before the zoo
06. I guess a cat, b/c its gotta be domesticated and cats are pretty and elegant like you, and JAPy but a cat on catnip, cuz you are a crazy mofo
07. Why were you such a loney child?


Re: Jesus christ TWO MINUTES... crazysara59 June 9 2005, 04:15:07 UTC
nice...i love being called a vagina
umm i dunno i think because i was more mature then the kids i knew and i couldnt laugh at the same jokes also i was content with being quiet...lame excuse but yea


Re: Jesus christ TWO MINUTES... flutterbyebaby June 9 2005, 04:21:54 UTC
i feel like you say vagina all the time
and pronounce it very distinctively


wicked1mpulses June 9 2005, 03:59:22 UTC
Laura Newman III


flutterbyebaby June 9 2005, 04:40:17 UTC
01. I like that you are ubersmart and creative and sharp
02. the pimp hand is strong song (sorry I fail... you are so much blacker than me)
03. 4 AM, because we like to stay up and go an adventures
04. hidden
05. adventures, shamPONgya, late night chats, aye aye aye x 10 ^23
06. A foxy parfait (it counts, yogurt is so alive)
07. Why don't you just be you and be proud?


wicked1mpulses June 9 2005, 05:04:58 UTC
i don't think i like myself very much


mountain_king June 9 2005, 04:06:58 UTC


flutterbyebaby June 9 2005, 04:46:43 UTC
01. You are very nice and friendly and smiley and huggable looking and you don't seem very judgemental
02. Hiegh-ho from Snow White
03. 5 AM, because I can see you getting up at sunrise and going to work in the mountains
04. Grizzly (I don't care if thats cheating)
05. going to art museums in berlin and prauge, listining to ian comment about form and you about content. i think you and me and Ian should go to museums all the time. hee.
06. a huggable grizzly bear
07. Why are you such a mountain mand and why can anyone tell that from a million miles away? also Why did your hair magically turn red that one time?


thelosthoplite June 9 2005, 04:16:43 UTC


flutterbyebaby June 9 2005, 04:53:38 UTC
01. I like that you pretty much know what you want and are goal-oriented
02. i hate everything about you (meaning I could imagine you singing it)
03. 3 AM
04. frustrated
05. those long aim chats
06. a skunk (I can imagine you loving to be able to let out an awful scent to mark your terriory/ on anyone you were mad at)
07. Why are so focused on accomplishing things? Why don't you let go and live in the momment?


qwerty1288 June 9 2005, 04:21:09 UTC
et moi


flutterbyebaby June 9 2005, 04:35:37 UTC
01. I like that you are ridiculously smart, but you don't think out counts b/c you haven't changed the world yet, you're mature, kind and extremely honest and all around adorable ;)
02. Baba O'Reily
03. 9, because thats when I leave and I hate so much to leave
04. I don't think I can do that. I tried free association, and I could only get a feeling
05. The first time I smoked a cig with you, that day on the promenade, penthouse, square in garden, the snow in the garden
06. a smart dog
07. when/why did you like me the first time?


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