1. 7th grade 2. bakes you were her friend 3. yes 4. yes 5. yes 6. yes 7. odd, caring, friend 8. have sex/ and or talk 9. many many many times 10. not that i can remember 11. a better pet then a ferrot 12. yes 13. your my friend that i can talk to about anything anytime 14. i know something like 3 people know 15. yes 16. no 17. yes 18. me 19. how your odd and shady sometims 20. i don't think i am going to call you tonigt but maybe...
1.When did we meet? last year, new years 2. How did we meet? watched you make out with lots of girls 3. Have we ever met in person? yes 4. have we ever talked on thee phone? dunno 5. Have you ever seen me cry? no 6. Have you ever seen me dance? no 7. Describe me using three or less words. honest 8. If you could spend a day with me, what would we do? smoke. see a movie. 9. Have we ever gotten in a fight? dont think so 10. Have you ever dreamt of me? If so, tell me about it. i dont think so 11. If you could give me a present, what would it be? not sure 12. Would you hug me? yeah 13. What do you REALLY think of me? good person 14. Do you know something about me that no one else knows? no 15. Do you even know how old I am? 17? 16. Anything you wanted to tell me but never got a chance to? nope 17. Wanna makeout? hah 18. Who should i go on dates with? denny 19. Name one thing you don't like about me. i dunno 20. FREESPACE..WOOOOO: adfhhyhgdijd
Comments 14
2. bakes you were her friend
3. yes
4. yes
5. yes
6. yes
7. odd, caring, friend
8. have sex/ and or talk
9. many many many times
10. not that i can remember
11. a better pet then a ferrot
12. yes
13. your my friend that i can talk to about anything anytime
14. i know something like 3 people know
15. yes
16. no
17. yes
18. me
19. how your odd and shady sometims
20. i don't think i am going to call you tonigt but maybe...
2. How did we meet? watched you make out with lots of girls
3. Have we ever met in person? yes
4. have we ever talked on thee phone? dunno
5. Have you ever seen me cry? no
6. Have you ever seen me dance? no
7. Describe me using three or less words. honest
8. If you could spend a day with me, what would we do? smoke. see a movie.
9. Have we ever gotten in a fight? dont think so
10. Have you ever dreamt of me? If so, tell me about it. i dont think so
11. If you could give me a present, what would it be? not sure
12. Would you hug me? yeah
13. What do you REALLY think of me? good person
14. Do you know something about me that no one else knows? no
15. Do you even know how old I am? 17?
16. Anything you wanted to tell me but never got a chance to? nope
17. Wanna makeout? hah
18. Who should i go on dates with? denny
19. Name one thing you don't like about me. i dunno
20. FREESPACE..WOOOOO: adfhhyhgdijd
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