What HP character do you identify with most and why? Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood (though more so with Hermione). With Hermione, I'm that know it all who sticks my nose in books. In addition to Hermione, I also have causes that I feel strongly for: Where Hermione had SPEW, I have my desire for equality for all people (not just certain types of people). As for Luna, I'm that quiet and quirky girl that knows a lot about obscure things and just pipes up with odd knowledge at random times. This usually amuses people.. or puts them off. For me it's a good thing to use to test if someone would make a good friend to me, because if they can't accept that, how can I trust them to accept other things about me?
What one moment in the books was the most meaningful to you? Right when Snape died, and Harry took a look at Snape's memories of unrequited love for Lily. It was the most touching thing I read in the book.. to know that Snape did everything that he did for his love for Lily, and all he mostly ever got was being accused of being a monster. When he discovered Lily's dead body, and he wept with her in his arms, my heart just broke. I know what it's like to love someone, and I couldn't bare the thought of not having that person love me back the same way.. and then hold their dead body in my arms is just too much.
What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised? Myself married to my long-term boyfriend, living in a house and being happy. I mean that is THE DREAM right? I used to care about professional success, though as I have traveled through life, I've realized that what I care most about is just being happy with the one I love. Professional success has meant a lot of stress, and selling of my soul that I'm just not happy with.
If you were to become headmaster at Hogwarts, what is one thing you would change about the school or how it operates? Start up a House Unity program. Honestly, I feel like people are put into their houses and only learn their house ideals, while not experiencing the important traits from the other houses. While I love the House system, and being placed in your house will help you learn better when with other like-minded people -- I also feel that it's important to learn the perceptive of people different from your own. It makes you a more well-rounded person, and expands your horizons. I mean, dealing with people that's different from your own is just what life is all about, right?
If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it? I think I would work on a potion that would cure the werewolf curse. I feel like werewolves are horribly mistreated in the wizarding society, and they have to go through that painful transformation every month, age faster, and get sicker more often. I usually have empathy for the under-dogs rather than the privileged, and I certainly see the werewolves as the under-dogs (pun not intended). Though while curing the curse will not cure the unjust treatment of werewolves in society, I'd at least want to do what I can to help.
You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one Harry Potter character other than Hagrid and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you'd want with you. Hermione Granger, yeah we're the most alike, and I'd rather have her there. She also would have studied a lot about things in the forest, so she would be LOADS of help. Other than that I would want a bag to put stuff that I find in.
What was your ideal job as a child? What is your ideal job now? Do you think it would be the same in the Wizarding World? The three things I wanted to be when I was a child was a: veterinarian, an actress, or a spy. The veterinarian was because I love animals, and wanted to help them. Though I gave up on the dream because I couldn't handle an animal dying on me. The actress was because I wanted fame and to be loved by many -- and being able to dress up and pretend to be a character in an interesting story was just something I loved to think about. The spy was because I grew up on James Bond, I wanted to travel like he did and not have anyone I meet truly know me. My ideal job now would be a writer or a potter while staying at home. I love to create my own worlds and have people enjoy them, I like working on my own schedule, and not having to bend to the will of corporations. Right now I'm a nurse, and I already hate office politics, following arbitrary rules, and "playing the political" game... I don't see myself sticking with this job. I think in the wizarding world I would be the same writer/potter.
What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make? When both of the options are tempting. I don't know which one is best, and which one I'd be happier with. So it's a lot of back and forth on this decision making.
If you had the opportunity to live forever, under what conditions would you accept? And if you did choose to live forever, what would you do with eternity? I don't think I would choose to live in this world forever under any circumstances. I truly don't that that humans are meant to live that long, and nothing would make living that long worth it. I feel that if I lived that long, I would eventually get bored, experience everything... and eventually beg for death. So no, I'd rather have my very fragile mortal life that I have rather than live forever.
What is one thing you would never want said about you? That I'm a disappointment. I believe that I'm smart, brave, kind, and resourceful. If I'm a disappointment to someone important to me, that means that even with all my good traits, I still failed somehow. Failure is my worse fear, and having someone important look at me as a failure would just break me.
Do you believe that moral actions should be judged by the intentions behind them, or by the consequences they create? Forgive the cliche, but: "the road to hell is paved in good intentions," as this is something I believe in. I believe actions should be judged by their outcomes, rather than their intentions. After all is an action truly good if the person intended good, but caused something bad to happen? I don't think so.
What do you look for in a friend? My best friends will be people who accepts my personality and my beliefs.. and even supports my beliefs. Right now, I only have one such person and that is my boyfriend. All my other friends either accepts some of my personality or some of my beliefs, they are good enough to be around, but I don't open all the way up to them.
What trait most annoys you about other people? It's a tie with close-mindedness and frightfulness. With close-minded people I feel that they are limiting their views and holding themselves back from wonderful possibilities that could happen if they just tried to see things from a different light. And with Frightfulness, I feel people talk themselves into fear too much. I've seen people be crippled with their fear of odd numbers/spider/etc to where it hinders their life, most of which is because they've talked themselves into that fear.. and again, I feel like they are holding themselves back and wasting their life away on a senseless fear.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? Intelligent - I always valued having my own mind and thoughts that was original to me and not a product of what someone wants it to be. I'm smart, I have my own thoughts, I'm a quick learner, and I'm proud of this.
Detailed-Oriented - This makes me a good writer, artist, and person. I have a mind for the little things, and notice the smaller things that most people over-look.
Good Listener - I'm more of a listener than a talker, I remember what people say and this makes people feel like their words matter.
Determined - I have never quit anything in my life, and it's not in me to do so. I again also hold on to my thoughts and ideals even when my own family is dead-fast against them.
Thoughtful - If I care about you, than you've found someone who thinks about you and remembers you. I never say things just to say them, so when I say something meaningful to someone, or buy a gift.. I have put a lot of thought into it just for you.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities? Overly-Critical of Myself - I have high standards of myself, if I fail them I get upset.
Obsessive - Maybe addictive is a better word. If there is something I like, I usually get addicted to it until I become tired of it. This is your video games, movies, songs, etc. I blame all the drug/alcohol addiction that runs in my family for this.
Sarcastic - Just every-now-and-then I'll let out something sarcastic. It wouldn't be so bad if people didn't think I was being serious.
Withdrawn - With people, I generally don't trust them until proven otherwise. So I hold back around people I don't know.
Territorial - I have things that are mine, and I don't like people touching it. I say that I'm protective, but other people are put off by it.
Name: Kisa
Age: 23
Where did you find out about us? Tumblr
Do you plan on being active in the communities once you are sorted? I'm a bit busy IRL, but I'll participate when I can.