Oh, come on guys, post in this community! Sam, I bet you have some good physics jokes up your sleeve! Anyone?
Anyway, this actually came from a list of "Top Signs You Are a Geek @ WPI", but I picked the good ones and changed them a little bit.
You come out of a Star Trek movie and argue about the physics involved.
You memorize things like the second law of thermodynamics, quadratic formula and energy conservation laws, but forget your phone number when you try to call home.
You chuckle whenever someone mentions "centrifugal force."
When Pi Day falls during a school break, you celebrate at school other Math Holidays, like Mole Day (October 23rd) and Gravity Day (September 8th).
You don't think of an icy ground as slippery, rather as having a low μ.
You write "goto" as one word.
You carry a laminated Periodic Table and/or other chemical data with you at all times.
You see someone wearing a shirt with on the front and on the back and think it’s hilarious.
You have actually had a conversation in C.
You tell your significant other that "9.81 m/(s^2) doesn't begin to describe how fast I fell for you."
You discover that hot water in your apartment is free and electric heat is not, then successfully construct a heating system involving a car radiator and fans.
You have Avogadro's Number in your AIM profile.
In your free time, you continue your never-ending quest to create anti-matter or a perpetual motion machine in your room.
Campus police sends you an email saying that your car has been ticketed because it is illegally parked and that it will be towed in 10 minutes. Double geek if you receive and reply to the email before the 10 minutes is up.
You flash the right hand rule like it's a gang sign.
You think spring cleaning includes dusting out the inside of your CPU and cleaning each keyboard key individually.
Lunch discussion includes your preference of text editor.
You are amused driving by a house whose address is 1337.
In presentations, you use emoticons to distinguish good and bad results.
You have ever turned a Christmas tree into a web server.
How many of these apply to you? ;)