Jun 13, 2008 21:12
Devin: i am out of salsa
Amanda: go to the store?
Amanda: cry about it?
Amanda: you can have ours
Amanda: we have two jars.
Devin: i will await your arrival with salsa then
Devin: thanks
Amanda: mmmmm nope
Amanda: you want it, you come get it.
Devin: i can't move
Devin: i am typing with my tongue
Feb 18, 2008 19:32
Dianne- i think they actually sell everything at target.
Dianne- literally
Amanda- available hot men?
Dianne- nono, those are scarce
Dianne- national shortage
Jan 05, 2008 01:00
I like to be gone most of the time
And you like to be home most of the time
If I stay in one place I lose my mind
I'm a pretty impossible lady to be with
Nov 09, 2007 10:25
Let's get together and talk about the modern age.
All of our friends were gathered there with their pets
just talking shit about how we're all so upset about the disappearing ground.
As we watch it melt....
You say I choose sadness
that it never once has chosen me.
Maybe you're right...
Nov 02, 2007 00:37
i have too much stuff
not enough money
and no where near enough time.
random life