Title: Let It Snow
Fandom: Eureka
Pairings: implied Nathan/Allison
Word Count: 2,979
Rating: gen
Warnings: none.
Summary: Sometimes a snowstorm is just a snowstorm. Yes, even in Eureka.
Notes: Written for Aithine as part of
yuletide 2009, requesting Jack and Henry friendship where Jack gets to be as smart as we know he is. I didn't get quite as much Jack and Henry in there, but Jack does get to be a genius in a people-person sort of way. It's set mid season 2 with no real spoilers involved.
Telsa doesn't do snow days, Dad. Turns out that when you live in a town where the roads are engineered to be ice, sleet and snow free, it kind of means you never get a day off. Didn't you read the handbook? I rambled more about the story
here. Gosh, it's so fun to write in this fandom.