After Snack Talk [Original, 1/1]

Feb 24, 2008 19:09

Title: After Snack Talk
Fandom: Original
Characters/Pairing: Matt/Ryan
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Summary: A new activity makes Ryan a little crazy.
Comments: Ficlet for 15_minute_fic, Word #51. :X It was fun. Ended up being 493 words.

The strange thing, Ryan thought, was not that he had a vampire sucking on his neck and pressing him hard into the couch, but rather the fact that he was taking it rather in stride.

It didn't really... hurt. That was another odd thing. It just felt weird and he can hear the sounds of Matt sucking on his bl--collarbone, but there was no pain and if his vision was going fuzzy around the edges, well, that was probably because he was closing his eyes and breathing kind of hard.

"Hey," Matt shook him and Ryan opened his eyes, "Ryan, you all right?"

He wanted to say something like, 'You were just sucking out my blood and licking your lips like it was the tastiest thing in the world, what do you think?' or 'I thought I was supposed to get horny and want to get in your pants' or even 'It didn't hurt at all. Why not?'. Only the last seemed a bit masochistic and he wasn't. Really.

"Fine," he said, and carefully touched the side of his neck. "Eww," he grumbled, "Saliva," and tried to rub it away. He paused in the middle of doing so, fingers scrambling and touching smooth skin. "Matt?" And wow, his voice was a little higher pitched than usual, wasn't it?

"Yeah?" Matt was crowding close and holding him carefully, like he was about to break or freak out and have some sort of meltdown.

Ya know, that probably wasn't that far off from the truth.

"You..." Ryan blinked hard, then rested his forehead against Matt's shoulder. "This is so goddamn weird," his voice came out muffled.

"I can imagine," came Matt's wry response, and Ryan could imagine his mouth curving slightly upwards, looking like he had some sort of secret (which he did, as Ryan discovered first hand), those brown eyes of his darkened in concern.

"I can deal, though," Ryan announced, letting his fingers clench and rub at Matt's shirt.


Ryan sighed, pressed his lips against Matt's throat, knowing he'd find no pulse. "Yeah," he said, "I mean..." He looked up, bright mischief flashing across his face.

"It can't be any more weird than finding out that you're not really as straight as you thought. In fact, more crooked than a bent fork, and that suddenly," and his finger jabbed at Matt's chest, "your boyfriend, that you are sorta dating, sorta not, but hell it's kind of complicated--is a goddamn vampire. And not only a vampire," and wow, he was getting warmed up, wasn't he, "but some sort of super special vampire who has a lot of annoying friends who think I'm all sorts of bad for you. They're even worse than my parents."

Matt gave a weak chuckle, and ran a hand through Ryan's hair.

"Though," Ryan mused.

"What?" Matt prompted.

"Would you call what I'm doing necroph--" His words, and laughter, were muffled as Matt's lips covered his own.

original, my fics

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