Worst. Power. Ever.

Aug 12, 2010 17:35

Title: Worst. Power. Ever.
Characters: Peter/Sylar
Rating: PG
Warnings: Crack
Word Count: 314
Disclaimer: Heroes does not belong to me no matter how much I wish it did.
Summary:  Sylar takes a power with an unexpected side effect.
Table/Prompt: Written for mission_insane's Movies/Twilight
A/N: I'm sorry! I don't even know where this came from. A friend and I were talking, making fun of Twilight and it just hit me, I had to write it.  Please forgive me, I hate Twilight....

Peter jerked awake to the pounding on his door.  Glancing at his clock, he moaned.  It was too damn early in the morning for this, whoever was there had better have a damn good excuse for waking him up at the crack of dawn.

Not even bothering with a shirt, he opened the door to see a panicked Sylar standing in his doorway.  “What the hell?   What are you doing here?”  He yawned, scratching his belly.  Sylar looked into the apartment, making a face.

“I didn’t have anywhere else to go.  I need your help Peter, please.”

Peter stared at the man and then sighed, letting him in.  “What did you do now?”  He asked in a bored voice.  Sylar did have a flare for the over dramatic.

Sylar glared at Peter.  This was serious and the other man was just being so…flippant.  He threw open his coat.  “Is this the skin of a killer Peter?!”

Peter looked at Sylar and started laughing, unable to catch his breath he was laughing so hard.  Sylar stood in the sunlight, his skin sparkling.  “Oh my god, what the hell did you do?”

Sylar glared at Peter, closing his coat, his face red.  “I was following this kid that I thought had a power and when I killed him…this happened!  How the hell am I supposed to look scary when I…sparkle?!”

Peter kept laughing, shaking his head and grabbing Sylar’s wrist.  “I don’t know but there’s not much we can do about it now.  Get some sleep, maybe we can figure it out later.”

He didn’t have the heart to tell Sylar that he looked like one of those stupid, cheesy, lame-ass vampires from that book, he’d be killed.  Hopefully it’d just wear off or Mohinder could help.  Pushing Sylar, he put him to bed and joined him.  It was going to be a long, enjoyable day.

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