BecauseI have nothing better to post.
1. My uncle once: wooshed (like a caped super-hero) up to a woman at a national park and said in his best super-hero voice "Excuse me. Did someone ask for a Biologist? Well, ma'am.. I happen to BE a biologist."
2. Never in my life: have I been to the Rose Bowl (the stadium OR the game).
3. When I was five: I knew the Cal Drinking Song.
4. High School is: a big part of forming someone's identity and for those of you who thought it was a waste of time, you probably just haven't thought hard enough about it.
5. I once met: Al Green's keyboard player. And the former manager of the Gap Band. And Nelly's manager. And a world escrima champion (who also choreographed Mortal Kombat). This list is sure to get really long really fast...
6. There's this girl I know who: is faaaaar more patient than I am when it comes to romantic interests, and boy am I glad she is... ;-)
7. Once, at a bar: I ordered a pitcher of beer. Yeah. I'm exciting like that when I go to bars...
8. Last night: I bowled a 169 and a 181. In every frame of the 169 game I threw at least a 9 on the first throw (except the last frame, where I threw an 8 and it was a split).
9. Next time I go to church: will probably be on Christmas Eve with my family.
10. When I turn my head left, I see: a music stand, a keyboard, a bookshelf, my closet, and a Cal Football 2005 poster signed by some of the team members. Also my dirty clothes, my Cal Football 2005 shirt draped over a chair with no back or arm rests, several papers that need to be recycled, a pair of shoes, a garbage can and an empty can of pringles.
11. When I turn my head right: a cup with pens in it, the "Nightmare Before Christmas" figurines Aaron got me for my Eagle Court (thanks Aaron!!), A box of tissues, the bottom left corner of my window, and a white wall. Also a pair of two-pound dumbells, some prescription antihistimines and the corner of a CD holder that holds a bunch of non-CD stuff.
12. How many days until my birthday?: 180 days. God I'm going to be 24 years old. As if I don't feel old enough already...
13. If I was a character written by Shakespeare I'd be: Richard III. You all better watch your backs.
14. By this time next year: I'll have an IMDB page with some actual credits on it.
15. A better name for me would be: Magnus. Because I'm THAT great. No seriously- I like my name.
16. I have a hard time understanding: college football message-board logic. There are just too many examples to list here. You'd have to see for yourself. I also have a hard time understanding why people think you can solve the problems you have with some country by blowing the shit out of them. (the Israel/Palestine conflict comes readily to mind...)
17. If I ever go back to school I'll: get a masters (PhD?) in music education.
18. You know I like you if: I don't avoid you like the plague.
19. If I won an award, the first person I'd thank would be: whomever I feel is most responsible for me getting that award. Undoubtedly my parents would be in there somewhere. Maybe not first, but up there.
20. Take my advice: If you're single and a hot girl is hitting on you/flirting with you at a party, GET HER PHONE NUMBER. And then call her ~2 days later and take her to lunch. You don't have to start making wedding plans, for crying out loud, just take her to lunch. (Yes, Jeff- that one was directed at you.)
21. My ideal breakfast is: a banana, a V-8, my multi-vitamins and a bowl of "Optimum Power" cereal (all eaten with three glasses of water). You CAN'T LOSE!
22. If you visit my hometown: eat at Akane.
23. Why won't someone: go on a date with you if you message them on facebook suggesting you go on a date when their facebook profile CLEARLY indicates that they're looking for dating? (Note: I do not speak from personal experience, I just find this phenomenon rather odd.)
24. If you spend the night at my house: prepare yourself for a ginormous breakfast, because that's probably what my mom will cook.
25. I'd stop my wedding if: my fiancee took off her mask to reveal that she was Richard Dreyfuss and said "Damn you! I told you, I didn't want to wear the damn mask!!"
26. The world could do without: bad drivers and conditions that lead to war. I was going to say "stupid people" because that would probably solve a lot of the problems, but then I realized "stupid people" are going to go see my movies, and will thus be paying my salary. Perhaps I should show them a little more respect.
27. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: see her in the hands of a pirate. No wait- I meant to say "than remove any of my appendages or digits".
28. My favorite blonde is: does Johnny Depp ever play a blonde? Hmm... other than that we'll say my mom (and my sister, when she's blonde).
29. Paper clips are more useful than: my appendix. They're also more useful than Mast Cells and Immunoglobulins of the "E" isotype, at least in industrialized nations.
30. If I do anything well, it is: editing Jeff's over-orchestrated pieces of music.
31. And by the way: Danny, you were right about a lot of things, but you (and Jim and Tiffany) were wrong about the Snoopy tie.
32. The last time I was high: last night (bowling night). I was high on life. I've never been high on any illegal substances except alcohol that I drank when under 21 years of age. I've been high on medication a lot in the last 6 months, but I won't call that necessarily a "high", considering the circumstances under which I had to take it.