As usual, behind the cut are my thoughts on this week's episode of Heroes, "The Kindness of Strangers".
Poor Mr. Bennet. He has been trying so hard to protect his family all theses years, and now he's got this painting predicting his death, and he's got the strain in his relationship with Claire. I'm really worried about what will happen when Mr. Bennet and West finally meet - again. I'm so worried about him.
I was proud of Claire, trying to call things off with West - but then he had to go and change her mind. And, you know, even better, he's now got her lying to her family. That's yet another reason why I don't like him. I do not believe that if you come from a family that loves you, a relationship that causes you to lie to your family can only lead to bad things. I know that some people are saying, well, Mr. Bennet lied a lot to his family before - and yes, he did, but that was only for their own safety. Because he didn't want anything bad to happen to them - and he learned that that wasn't what he should have been doing. I can also understand Claire's attraction to someone who shares her problems and therefore she can talk to about her own, but that should not be the basis for a relationship either.
Mr. Bennet's reaction to Claire's big lie confessing of how she made the cheerleading team and how much that meant to her, etc. etc. was just heartbreaking. He cares so much about Claire that he was actually willing to let her do the cheerleading thing, despite it drawing attention to her. He doesn't want her to be unhappy... but obviously, he does not want her dating due to the damn painting! He needs to show that to her. I mean, even though it would be extremely disturbing, at least then she could understand WHY he doesn't want her dating someone. Maybe then she actually would be able to call things off with West. Nothing good is going to come of that relationship.
Micah's cousin, Monica, seems pretty cool. At first I wondered if maybe her powers were like Charlie's in that she picks things up really quickly. But now I think that it comes only from what she sees on TV. Could Micah somehow read her dreams when he hugged her because of her TV related power and his power of being able to talk to technology?
I felt so bad for Nathan. It was such a sad scene with him visiting his boys at school. I hope that he and Heidi (feels so weird writing about someone with my own name...) get back together again, or at least that he gets to be around his boys again. They seem to really miss each other. Nathan looking at the old picture(s) of Peter was also sad. And then his conversation with Mama Patrelli - she actually made me sort of feel a little sympathy for her with her telling Nathan to not make his children hate him. She seems to feel some, I dunno, regret maybe? About the way that she's acted? Unless that was more of her persuasion powers being used to make Nathan continue to feel guilty? I don't think so though. Does everyone else think that she has powers of persuasion, like Eden had? Or does she have some kind of telepathic powers?
After seeing next week's preview, I got this horrible feeling that Peter's going to kill Nathan as it seems like Kristen Bell's character has him under her control or something like that? I really hope that doesn't happen though.
So we finally got to see the photo that the death warnings or whatever have been coming from. The photo of the 12. And Matt's father is one of them. I had a feeling that we'd be finding out something about his parents soon. I mean with the "Generations" theme and all, it figures that we'll learn at least a little something about one or more of the main characters parents, right? I'm just hoping that by the end of the season all the main group of Heroes' parents aren't all killed in order to make way for the next generation.
I'm not totally convinced that Matt's father is the nightmare man though because when Molly freaked out at seeing the photo, both Matt's father AND Bob were still clearly in the picture (as was some lady, but she's out of the running as Molly has clearly said that the nightmare man is a he). But Matt's certainly not having a good year - his wife cheats on him with his best friend, he gets his telepathy and is abducted by The Company, he gets shot four times (it was four times right?) at the end of last season, his wife turns out to be pregnant with his best friend's baby, they get divorced (though that was probably a good thing in the long run), and now he finds out that his father is either in danger of being killed or is the nightmare man. Not that the other Heroes have been having a great year either though...
I so love the Molly, Mohinder, and Matt family. And I'm scared that something is going to happen to one of them. And poor little Molly, choosing to help Matt find his dad despite everything. What a way to leave the show this week!!! What exactly happened to Molly? Is she in shock? Is she being psychically held captive by the nightmare man? Is she going to wake up? Poor Matt must feel so guilty. Is he going to go off and try to find his dad now? I am wondering if it's going to turn out that Bob is the nightmare man and maybe he was at Matt's dad's apartment - killing him - when Molly found him. Either way, the nightmare man has a direct relationship to one of Molly's new dads.
Sylar joining up with Maya and Alejandro (and the other guy) was great. It was really sad when Sylar introduced himself by his real name - and then Maya, comparing him to the angel Gabriel. Sylar looked honestly forlorn when he was looking out the window, and I feel that he actually really does what to help the twins. I feel like he does relate to them - and that he killed the other guy in order to protect them. Now I don't think that Sylar has totally become a good guy or anything (though I would like that to happen), but I feel that his intentions towards Maya and Alejandro are good. I think the fact that Maya views him as a hero, or an angel, helps Sylar to feel like he is important, and directly ties into his desire for power, desire to be someone special. I wonder how they'll be received when they get to Mohinder's apartment.