Heroes Report - episode 13, volume 3

Feb 02, 2009 19:06

Heres my report for Heroes episode 13, volume 3. Less than an hour until volume four starts! XD

Chapter 13 - “Duality”

Careful watch via the on screen TV guide that Comcast has available, as well as some sources online, revealed that the title of this episode changed a couple of times before the episode actually aired. First it was “War”, next it was “Dual” and then it became “Duality”. I wonder why all the name changes? Now taking a look on the Heroes wiki they have it listed under “Dual”, so, I’m confused now.

What is wrong with Nathan? I don’t like him and Peter fighting, and I don’t like his carrying out his dad’s plans either. But more on that later as I’m trying to write in chronological order.

The stuff at Primatech with Mr. Bennet, Angela, Meredith, and Claire being held captive by Gabriel/Sylar was pretty awesome/interesting, though obviously creepy. Interesting how he mentioned having a broken heart. Again I ask, why did he kill Elle? I still don’t understand that. It really doesn’t make sense. He loved her, he forgave her, he sacrificed his life for her, and then he kills her?

I was really glad that Ando did not get the power to time travel. That would have made Hiro seem dispensable sine there would be another person who could do the same thing. But Ando having the power to amplify the powers of others makes perfect sense. Some people in the fandom were saying that they had been guessing that was his power anyway since season one when Hiro’s power diminished/he was having problems using it, after he and Ando were separated. As to how future Ando used that power to kill Hiro, I’m not real sure. Unless, he used it to amplify Hiro’s ability to stop time and that caused Hiro to stop? Or maybe Ando was trying to amplify Hiro’s power so that he could use it to stop whatever the horrible end of the world catastrophe that was coming, but then somehow that was too much for Hiro to handle?

That was weird with Flint and Knox deciding to team up with Peter to destroy the labs. I wonder if they would have stuck with him, had they lived? Knox seemed to have the potential to be an interesting character, had they given more time for him to develop, so it was too bad that Tracy killed him. Before that though, I was surprised that Knox was just standing around holding Nathan hostage rather than attacking Nathan.

I’m not real sure how Mohinder survived that throw against the wall as it did seem like his neck was broken. But maybe the formula has some kind of healing property or something? I am glad that he did survive though. I like Mohinder and I hope that he shapes up again this next volume.

They sure got rid of a lot of the new characters in this episode. Actually, the majority of characters introduced in this volume got killed, didn’t they? Is it only the case that Tracey and Daphne are left? And possibly, though not likely Flint? Since he is immune to his own power.

Once again, the interactions between Hiro and young Hiro were sad and also sweet. It’s too bad that Kaito didn’t understand that current age Hiro was his son from the future. I would have liked to have seen them get to spend more time together. And so I guess that through that fight was how the formula was ripped in the first place? Though that doesn’t follow Heroes time travel logic, but instead goes with a Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure time travel logic (things happening in the present because you already had gone back in time to change them, therefore you have to back and change them otherwise the present won’t be happening). Glad that Hiro and Ando are reunited and that Hiro knows that Daphne is no longer his nemesis. Yay for Hiro, Ando, and Daphne going and getting the formula from Tracy. I was worried that something would happen to one of them along that path, so was glad that they all returned safely.

WTF Nathan? Beating Peter with a metal pole? Seriously? What happened to the Nathan that loves his brother and in the first two seasons went out of his way to protect him, etc? I don’t like that turn of events. Good thing there was an injection left and Peter was able to get both of them out. My guess is that the injection gave Peter his original power back, and then because he was there with Nathan, that’s how he started flying again. However, I don’t think that he has any of his other powers left and will need to re-get those that he can (I’m certain that Claire’s will be gotten back really soon). Since Flint and Mohinder were still in the lab at that time, maybe Peter got their powers as well.

I quite enjoyed the scene with Gabriel/Sylar confronting Angela, though I was disappointed that he was not actually a Petrelli after all. He so seemed like he was. And he still seems like a middle child rather than an only child, which I can’t really explain. I still want that brotherly bond between him and Peter, though I really don’t know if that will stick. I think it might because it does seem like they care about one another in some ways. I guess in the future where Gabriel had little Noah, he didn’t know that he wasn’t a Petrelli, but I can still see a future like that (except now not with baby Noah since Elle is dead) in which the two of them are still like brothers to the point where they would have any future kids refer to the other one as “uncle”.

I liked that one of the things that Gabriel/Sylar was so intent to find out was if there was any good in this world. That definitely points to him still wanting to be good, in my opinion. Still showing that he does care. Angela admitting to being a monster herself was also interesting. If I remember things correctly, Gabriel/Sylar’s lie detector power did not go off at one point when she said something about him being a hero. He still could be one.

That was just sad with Meredith. Now, I don’t like her, but I didn’t want her to die either, and it really did look like she died. Though in theory she should be immune to her power to - like how she survived the fire that she thought killed baby Claire. But maybe because of the adrenaline causing her power to get crazy out of control, it made her not immune to her power? Earlier though, that was strange, Doyle coming to stop Gabriel/Sylar from killing Meredith. Though messed up logic that she’s his to kill. He was a strange, strange, guy. Anyhow, it’s really good that Mr. Bennet did not shoot Meredith; had Claire seen that I think that her already faltering trust levels in her dad would have gone way down. It was sad, Claire watching her bio-mom about to explode and being helpless about it, and then her calling her “mom.” There might be a slight chance that Meredith survived? Though I highly doubt it.

Wow, I was surprised at how vain Mohinder was, randomly looking at his reflection in the first car that passed by to see if he still had scales. I wonder if there is a future team up with him and Tracy or if she’s just giving him a ride and then that’s it.

Yeah, so Nathan’s plan to round up all the people with powers and lock them up? What the hell happened to him? What is he thinking?? I noticed though that Peter and Claire were not in the files he was showing the president. Also, why would the President trust a senator about something that seems insane? I was kind of glad to see the Micah was amongst the people in the files cause that does seem like maybe he’ll return this volume and I’ve missed him.


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