Heroes Report Volume 4, Chapter 20

Mar 30, 2009 19:15

Volume 4, Chapter 20 - “Cold Snap”

First of all I wanted to add that for some reason in the report on chapter 19 that I posted last week, I completely forgot t mention that Nathan’s power was exposed to Danko and therefore he had to flee from the Building 26 crew, and that Danko is still working with the government on the program, and that Nathan showed up and rescued Claire when the people now under Danko’s total control came into the Bennet house to take Claire away. How did all that slip my mind?  It is so not good having Danko in a bigger position of power, not to mention Claire no longer being safe from the “round the powered people up” program. And the fact that Danko is much more interested in killing the people with powers than just locking them up until there is a cure for their abilities. It was cool, however, that Nathan came and got Claire out of the house before she was taken away. But poor Sandra must be really worried with Claire missing. Although, I bet she knows that Claire at least escaped rather than her being kidnapped or something. It should be interesting seeing more development in the relationship between Claire and her bio-dad.

Now, on to the subject of Chapter 20 -

So when did Doyle get to NY? I’m assuming that he was given to Danko by Gabriel/Sylar? So maybe he picked him up on the way there from visiting his dad? Also, is Danko not that disturbed by having found a random taxidermy rabbit sitting on his desk that night? Shouldn’t he be looking into that?

Loved the stuff with Hiro, Ando, and baby Matt Parkman. Very interesting that he manifested his power at such a young age. Though, I guess Claire did too since she survived the fire that way, didn’t she? At first I thought that  baby Matt had Micah’s power, but I guess not. Although, I wonder if they are related? The powers I mean, not baby Matt and Micah. Related in a sense like the mentally oriented powers are related. I was not happy to see Janice return as I never liked her, but this does seem like it will be interesting to see what happens with baby Matt and all. I wonder how Matt will react when he finds out that the baby was his after all, and that the baby has a power too. It’s awesome that Hiro can stop time again! And so amusing that he pushed Ando in that wheelbarrow for 12 miles. I wonder where they are going on that bus? Oh, also, I love that Hiro named baby Matt Toddler Touch and Go. I wonder what else the baby’s power can do, like could it expand the powers of someone he touches?

That was freaky with Angela having one of her dreams while in the cab and then it happening very quickly afterwards. Although I still don’t really like Angela, I’m glad she got out of there okay, and it was amusing how she just went up to that man and asked to stand under his umbrella in order to sneak away. I wonder if Millie is going to have further impact on the show? I mean, it seems strange that she would randomly be introduced in one episode and disappear forever given that she’s played by Swoozie Kurtz who Brian Fuller seems to like working with and Pushing Daisies is now cancelled. I wonder if she has any connection to anyone else we know on the show, I mean, outside of the Petrelli clan.

I was a little surprised, but happily so, that Tracy stopped to free some of her fellow prisoners on the way out. I liked her freezing off the security tags in the department store too. Overall, in this episode my opinion of Tracy improved a lot.

Mr. Bennet’s taking off his glasses to open the changing room door amused me. Like it was some kind of a disguise or something.

Micah’s voice changed! That surprised me. I know that Noah Grey-Cabey is now 13, but it just seemed a lot deeper than the last time we heard him speak on the show. I’m so glad that he’s back on the show! I hope that Monica returns as well. It’s amazing how much Micah can do with his technopathy powers, and that’s great that he’s using his powers to help people, just like he wanted to do. Though I am worried for him.

The interactions between Micah and Tracy were interesting. It was sad how he had been finding out all this info on her, and then was disappointed that she wasn’t as noble of a person as he had expected from her bios and such. But it seems like she definitely cares about him, and maybe she will be able to be a better person in the future. Though, I have a feeling, based on what the writers have said in Behind the Eclipse, that she may be the next volume’s villain. Then again, that can be a blurry sort of line anyway. I was so glad that she did not turn Micah in. It was a very cool scene with her having Micah turn on the sprinklers in the garage and then turning everything to snow and ice. She is most certainly not dead though, for if she was, there’s no reason they would have clearly showed us that her frozen face eye blinked.

I honestly thought that Daphne would be okay. I thought that her waking up in the room filled with flowers for Gwen Stefani was real, and I even thought that possibly Matt could have used his powers to somehow access the ability to fly or at least get telekinesis somehow and use that to fly. When it was revealed that Matt was inside her head creating this nice situation for her while she was dying, it reminded me, in a way, of when Matt was able to talk to Karen Sprauge and convey her messages to Ted right before she died. It’s a shame that they killed off Daphne. She and Matt were so cute together, and she was an interesting character. I’ll miss seeing her on the show. I was glad that Mohinder was with Matt though. I mean, despite their fighting recently, they are friends, and they should stick together.

I hope that they don’t make Matt get back together with Janice, now that she’s re-introduced.

That was pretty cool how Peter came to save his mom in the elevator. But why did he take them to the statue of Liberty?


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