Heroes Reports for Volume 4, Chapters 22-24

Apr 26, 2009 13:26

I finally got caught up in my Heroes Reports! They're going behind a cut of course.

Volume 4, Chapter 22 - “Turn and Face the Strange”
I guess it was smart for Mr. Bennet to be unsure about if the body was actually Gabriel/Sylar. I mean it was smart, but in terms of the plot part of me wanted it to go on a little longer, his not realizing that Gabriel/Sylar had gotten the power of a shapeshifter. Anyhow, I really thought that when the lady said that Sandra was there, that she was going to turn out to be Gabriel/Sylar. Then I wasn’ t so sure, and then when “Danko” walked closer to them and his expressions were looking kind of off I was thinking that Sandra definitely wasn’t really Sandra. Obviously when “Danko” walked into the men’s room (that’s where it wasn, wasn’t ) and we saw the real Danko, then I understood. I thought that the actor who plays Danko did a really good job with the Gabriel/Sylar mannerisms and posture once he was with the. real Danko.
Surprising that baby Matt can actually stop things from going when he’s unhappy. I completely adored that silly face Ando had to keep making in order for baby Matt to let the car go! That was hilarious!
Also surprising about Danko having a girlfriend. I figured that he wasn’t the type to make time for romance in his life. I felt really bad for his girlfriend though.
I’m glad that Mr. Bennet did not sign the divorce papers that “Sandra” handed him. It seems like a sloppy mistake on Gabriel/Sylar’s part to think that Mr. Bennet wouldn’t notice that his wife’s signature was completely different. Couldn’t he have had Danko look up some files on Sandra to see what her signature looks like before he signed the papers? In any case, the confrontation between Sandra and Mr. Bennet in her hotel room was very scary. Thank goodness for Lyle and Mr. Muggles! They finally let Lyle have an important part! Although he’ll probably never know that he most likely saved his mother’s life by calling at that moment and needing to know where Mr. Muggles medication was, and what color bottle it was in. I really hope that they will let Sandra and Mr. Bennet be together again. It’s sad waching their marriage fall apart. But if they are planning on going in that direction, then I hope that they’ll at least let both live.
Yay for Hiro stopping Matt from killing Danko or Danko’s girlfriend! I mean I understand that Matt wanted revenge for what Danko did to Daphne, but particularly killing Danko’s girlfriend wouldn’t be right. I liked seeing Matt and baby Matt meeting for the first time and playing together. Though, I really don’t want Matt to get back together with Janice. I really don’t like her. Matt could do so much better.
That was so cool of Mr. Benet to pretend to be Gabriel/Sylar posing as himself, and then go surprise Danko.
When Danko told Mr. Bennet who Gabriel/Sylar was posing as in that unit of soldiers, and then Mr. Bennet shot him, I really did think that Danko had told Mr. Benet the wrong guy and that Gabriel/Sylar was one of the others. So it was surprising to me that Gabriel/Sylar was able to stay dead like that, and bleed that much. That knowledge that Gabriel/Sylar can bleed that much and stay dead for a while led my brother to an interesting theory on how they could potentially bring Elle back. See he was thinking that if Gabriel/Sylar could gain Hiro’s full ability (that is, with the time traveling and all that) through empathy, then he could go back to right before he killed Elle, freeze time, get her out of there, shapeshift into her appearance, and take her place. It would be very unlikely that the him at that time would be able to tell that the him from the future was pretending to be Elle, and given that he survived the fire at Primatech, he could very likely survive his body being burned. Not that it seems like they’ll ever actually do that, but I thought that was a very cool plan, and I would love for Elle to be back. I miss her, and I miss how great they were together.
It was kind of weird to me that Mohinder went back to his apartment together his stuff and so forth when he knew that he was being watched and hunted by Danko’s crew. At least the super didn’t report him.
I liked the gathering of the Bennet and Petrelli crew at Cayote Sands. Very very creepy though, with the skeletons Angela was having them dig up.

Volume 4, Chapter 23 - “1961”

There was so much hype building up to this episode, so of course I went into it very excited.
This episode started off so cool. I loved how they worked in Dr. Zimmerman. I wonder if he’ll have more of an important part of play in the next volume, and/or whenever they introduce Barbra, which I’m assuming they will eventually.
Seeing Angela as a teenager, and as a big sister was really interesting. She seemed really caring toward her little sister, and protective. It showed such a different side to her, and you can kind of see maybe some truth to how she told Peter that she was just like him when she was younger.
Teenage Charles Devoux and Bob Bishop were interesting to see too. I thought they had both of them done pretty accurately, that is, how they would be as teenagers. Linderman though, his inclusion didn’t make any sense in this episode if the graphic novels featuring his past are to be taken as canon. In the graphic novels he was portrayed as being a really polite young man, and I would say kind of maybe shy? Kind of a loner? Plus, he didn’t know any of The Twelve until after he met Arthur Petrelli in the Vietnam war, afterwards he met Adam, I think, and then he came and told Arthur about that and that’s when he met Angela. So, maybe they’ve changed things, but it just seems weird. Also, some file that was featured in something, maybe it was the graphic novels to, said that Linderman was born in 1950. He so was not eleven in this episode. One thing that did stay consistent though is Linderman’s random British accent. The graphic novels list him as being from Colorado. I don’t really know how he got that accent there.
The socks! I really didn’t expect there to be a deep, sad, reason for why Angela steals socks. This episode really made me feel a lot more for Angela, actually. And weirdly, I feel some sort of connection to her? When she was talking with Claire she seemed so much less strong and evil like she usually does. It was interesting to see more of this side to her.
My brother came up with some really interesting ideas for what was the deal with Angela’s sister. For example, he thought that maybe she had survived because she had the power to turn to dust and that’s what the deal was with the dust flying all around, and maybe somehow that kept her as a little kid because she had stayed as dust all these years and somehow didn’t age. There was also a theory that he came up with that she was actually dead but that somehow Peter would absorb whatever her power was through the digging up of her body. And he also had the idea that she was dead but would be revived through the power of Claire’s blood. Or maybe that was my idea? Or maybe no one came up with that idea but I did just now? I already posted in a previous episode that I thought maybe Angela’s sister was Gabriel’s real mother, but that’s obviously not the case. Which is unfortunate cause I really did want there to be some way he was a Petrelli.
For some reason Mohinder and Mr. Bennet’s scene of yelling at each other in the sandstorm amused me. Maybe it was because I miss seeing them interacting with each other.
It kind of surprised me that Angela’s sister’s power was controlling the weather, though I guess I should have picked up on some hints that the show was giving us, which I now learned about via the Heroes wiki which I’m checking as I work on this report so that I can remember what all happened.
I really thought that this episode was awesome up till around this point. It had great character stuff, interesting plot reveals about the pasts of certain characters, mystery about what was going on with Angela’s sister and what happened at the camp, and then they messed things up by deciding that Angela’s sister would turn out to just be a crazy old woman when she could have been so much more. I mean, it was sad that she’d stayed in the same place waiting for Angela for all those years (which btw it kept bothering me that they were saying it had been 50 years since the stuff at Coyote Sands happened, when the timeline of the show is currently 2007 and 2007 minus 1961 does not equal 50, though it is close). But it was just disappointing that they didn’t come up with something more interesting to have happen with her. It was also disappointing that Charles Devoux’s power is only telepathy. Shouldn’t the twelve each have had a different power? With all the fan speculation about Charles’ power, shouldn’t they have let it be something more unique? They already have 2 telepaths on the show, plus his name is Charles, like Charles Xavier of the X-Men, who is a telepath. I did like that scene at the café in 1961 though. And I liked the ending okay, with the Bennet/Petrelli crew eating burgers, fires, and milkshakes and then seeing “Nathan” on TV. Speaking of that scene, I thought it was interesting the choices of milkshakes. Claire and Nathan both had strawberry, I think that Mr. Bennet had Vanilla - though he may have had Strawberry too, and then Angela and Peter had Chocolate.
One other thing, what was is it that Chandra was injecting into the people? Was a it a DNA marker? Or did he have some sort of formula that was going to try to cure them, or what?

Volume 4, Chapter 24 - “I am Sylar”
I understand that Hiro wants baby Matt to have both a mother and a father, but that really doesn’t mean that Matt needs to get back together with Janice. Really. But I keep feeling like that’s where this is leading, which I don’t like. I know the writers say that they aren’t going to bring back Daphne, which is too bad, but if they want Matt to have another love interest, can’t they bring Audrey back into the picture? She is so much better than Janice. All of this said though, it seems really weird to me that Matt would be even thinking of getting back together with Janice when he so recently just lost Daphne.
I kind of thought that after Tom Miller showed his power to Gabriel/Sylar, he was going to use that power to kill him, instead of his old standby, which I don’t understand why he went back to. We know he can get powers through other means now, and if he wants to keep a lower profile and not get caught, doesn’t it make more sense to not use that method of killing people?
Hiro and Ando are so not Superman and Batman. Though it is funny, them thinking that that’s sort of a fitting thing for them.
I really didn’t know what Gabriel/Sylar was planning on doing with the box of evidence in Virginia’s unsolved murder. Really interesting though, having him shapshifting back and forth between them and carrying on conversations like that. Very sad though. I thought that Virginia primarily collected snow globes that represented different states, so it was curious that she had a little one with just a rabbit in it, which ties in strangely to the taxidermy rabbit from earlier this volume. Which makes me ask, what is it with Gabriel/Sylar and rabbits?
That was awesome of Micah to tell Gabriel/Sylar that he was special and that he could save all of them. Gabriel/Sylar always has that as his innermost desire, I think, bring special, being recognized for being special, and being able to be a hero - no matter what he’s been saying lately about how he hates heores, blah blah. If you look at the first season he was all about wanting to not kill for no reason and wanting to be the hero in the end. Same with the majority of the third volume too. I love that they consistently have Gabriel/Sylar not kill children. I hope that they keep that going because I really don’t think that he would kill a kid. I just don’t. Noah Gray-Cabey did a great job with his Gabriel/Sylar-ish expressions when he was being him pretending to be Micah. That must be fun to do.
I found it humorous that it took one of Danko’s agents that long to realize that whoever Hiro was posing as doesn’t wear glasses. I’m glad that HIro and Ando both got out of that van and didn’t get taken back to Building 26.
It was too bad that they cut short Micah’s staying with Gabriel/Sylar. They could have been interesting friends, and that could have been a really cool plot line to follow. I liked that Micah told him about Niki and how her powers drove her crazy, but she was able to fight back and control them to become a hero.
I thought it was interesting that Gabriel/Sylar needs to have something with a little of the person’s DNA in order to be able to shapeshift into them. But what did he have of Sandra’s? Did he maybe grab a hair of her’s? The conversation that he had with “Virginia” in Nathan’s office was also sad, as were the other previous conversations they had. Despite what he said, I still say that his killing her was an accident, though I also believe that he had thoughts of wanting her dead, but I just don’t think he wanted to kill her at that moment, but I can also see how he would feel like telling her it wasn’t an accident. I do have a problem with her having said that he killed the only woman who loved him, referring to herself. Does no one remember Elle? She loved him! Earlier though, when “Virginia” was saying that he had no one left who loved him, that made sense to me. He shouldn’t have killed Elle.
BTW, they did a great job with the continuity of Gabriel/Sylar and Virginia having more tears in their right eyes.
I’m worried about Hiro. What was causing his nose to bleed like that? And his powers to not work? Things also don’t look good for him in the preview.
The scene with the two Nathan’s in his office made me think it was some kind of messed up Patty Duke Show. I think that Gabriel/Sylar is right that Nathan does loathe himself very much. Was that the jacket he was wearing when he started this whole mess, or was it something that he wore at some event where he betrayed everything which we don’t know about yet.
Poor Mohinder getting tranquilizer shot again. I was kind of amused by him looking through the films by himself, not going to try to find a projector or anything.
So now Gabriel/Sylar has beaten the “object in that spot of the head” method of killing someone with the regeneration power? Or was the object just not long enough or did Danko miss the spot? In any case, I’m surprised that Danko is still alive given how much and how long he’s been bothering Gabriel/Sylar.
I’m excited and nervous about tomorrow’s episode. I’ve heard that a character who has been around since season one will be killed off, and based on the preview for tomorrow’s episode, I have this bad feeling that maybe Peter will accidently kill Nathan thinking that he is really Gabriel/Sylar. My guess about this is based on 1. The Shapeshifting confusion that was presented to us when Mr. Bennet thought that Sandra was really Gabriel/Sylar and nearly killed her. 2. It would connect as a sort of bookend to the start of this season with future Peter having shot Nathan. 3. There’s a clip in the preview where Gabriel/Sylar says, “Oh that’s going to make Claire very angry” or “Oh, Claire will be very angry about this”, which obviously she would be if Peter had killed Nathan. Maybe there will be a situation in which there are two Nathans and Peter will be forced to choose which one is the real one, and he’ll choose wrong or something. I don’t know, but that’s what I’m thinking. I don’t want any of the original group to die though.


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