A Guide to Participating in Fic Exchanges, by Someone Who Knows

Dec 13, 2006 21:02

I've participated in fic exchanges as a writer, a pinch-hitter, and as a moderator for three years. I know what goes into them from all angles, and what the mod wants out of participants. Lately, there seems to be some confusion on this issue, so I will attempt to explain. Sample emails to the mod are included, in case you don't know what to say. Many thanks to experienced mods significantowl and gmth for contributing to this guide.

First, by way of definition: by "fic exchange" I mean the type of fest where you sign up and make a request, and are then assigned another writer's request to fulfill. Other fests, where you may pick a challenge off a list or everyone writes to the same challenge, are not really what I'm talking about here. Of course everything I'm saying here also applies to artists, but frankly I haven't had much trouble with artists. I'm guessing they know what to do. The writers, though…

Second, keep this in mind: this is a fun thing. You want to do it. That's why you signed up. No one put a gun to your head. The mod is someone who is putting this together for you and people like you who also want to participate. She is not your enemy, your sadistic overlord, or someone you are stuck with through no doing of your own. She does not get paid for this. Treat her with respect, use her actual name in emails (yes, mods have names), don't make demands of her. You might even consider saying thank you -- but that's optional.

Okay, on the post:

Practically Perfect in Every Way: How to be the Ultimate Fic Exchange Participant
  1. The Signup: Read the instructions. Fill out the form you're given. Provide information. Think.
    This sounds so stupid, but you would not believe the number of people who either do not read the instructions, or think they don't apply to them. People sign up for a het exchange and request slash. They put down one pairing when they're told to put down three. They leave out questions. Don't do this. The mod did not make up those rules just to torment you. They want that information so they can match you up well, give you a request you'll be able to write, and so that your writer can write you something you'll enjoy.

    If the form asks for kinks or special elements, put something down! You don't have to be the kinkiest person in the world, but give your writer something to work with -- even basic elements like "lots of dialogue" or "an outdoor setting" or "fancy lingerie" can be very very helpful to your writer. If you only put down pairings and no requests, your author will be left in the dark.

    Also, be aware of your own abilities and limitations. Don't sign up for every exchange you see -- allow time to produce a quality product in each one and turn it in ON TIME. You know best whether this means limiting yourself to 1 exchange or 3, but chances are that no one can write 10 exchange fics in one month. Be realistic. Know what you can and can't write, and tell the mod that. Chances are she has to deal with dozens of participants -- in some exchanges, even hundreds! She cannot read your mind -- you must tell her if you can't write Harry, or if you don't like Weasleys, or whatever. This is especially true if there are caveats to your offer, or things you requested that you can't write yourself: you want any Neville pairing, but not Neville/Luna; you hate Death Eaters but Snape is okay, etc.

  2. The Assignment: Respond right away with confirmation or problems.
    If there is a problem with your assignment, and you do not think you'll be able to write the fic, respond right away and tell the mod. I cannot stress this enough. RIGHT AWAY. And don't skate around the issue. If it's a real problem, say so. At that point, your mod can probably fix the problem. If you wait until the due date, it just comes off as a whiny excuse for not writing, and your mod is likely to not care at all. If you like your assignment, write back and say that too. We like to hear it. :) Of course, keep in mind that you only have to write one fic for the person. If they filled out their form correctly and gave you at least 3 options, and one of them is distasteful, just ignore that one and concentrate on the one you can do.

    Sample email regarding problem with assignment:
    Dear [mod's name],
    I received my assignment but I do not think I will be able to write the fic assigned. [my assigned giftee] requested only Umbridge pairings and BDSM, and I said in my request that I cannot write Umbridge or extreme kink. Is there any way you could work out a swap?
    Thank you,
    [your lj name]
    Yes, you should include your lj name. It's how the mod knows you. If the problem is with something that you did not specifically state that you can't write, some groveling would be nice. Try to be respectful.

  3. Write the fic. Make it good. Use a beta.
    This is not hard to figure out. Start early. Refer to the request. Include what the person asked for. Have the fic checked over by a friend.

  4. Turn it in on time. Include the requested header info. Use html tags if requested.
    Maybe even early! This will make your mod very happy. In this case "on time" means "by the original deadline." Not "before posting starts" or "before posting ends." By. The. Deadline. Go back to the rules and look at what the mod wants for header info, and put that in. Warnings should be for valid warning things -- you know what they are, don't pretend you don't. Things like "angst" or "fluff" or "language" do not need warnings. If the mod requests that you insert html tags into your fic for italics, do it. If she wants you to stand on one leg and hop up and down three times before submitting, do that too.

  5. Watch the community and respond when your gift is posted.
    Someone made you a gift. Say thank you. Whether it's your great-aunt Mildred's fruitcake or a new iPod, someone worked hard on that gift. Try to find something nice about it, even if it's something basic like the pairing or the setting. The #1 complaint of participants after the fact is ‘my person didn't even bother to comment on the fic I wrote for her.'

    Sample comment on a gift fic you didn't like:
    Oh, thank you [author's name/"mysterious author" if anonymous] for this lovely gift! I love fics with [pairing]! The Hogwarts setting is great, too -- you did a nice job of describing the castle and its ins and outs.
    Notice you do not have to say anything about the parts of the fic that bugged you, even if that part was 'every time the characters thought, spoke, or interacted with each other.'

That's it. If you follow my handy-dandy instructions, you will be the perfect exchange participant. Of course, this being the real world, shit happens and not everyone can be perfect. You should always strive for perfection, of course, but if life should get in the way...

Close Enough for Government Work: How to be Adequate
  1. The Signup: Read over your request and fix mistakes. Be honest.
    If you notice errors, comment again and fix them. It is good to list 5-6 kinks or special elements you might like in your fic, so that your author has some things to choose from, but if you are really picky and will not like a fic unless it has Sirius in animagus form, or takes place in an igloo, or whatever, then say that. It's better to be flexible, but if you can't be flexible at least be honest. This goes for weird word choice, too. Personally, I hate the word "impale" in sex scenes. Just cannot stand it. This kind of thing should go in your request if you are absolutely anal and obsessive about it.

  2. The assignment. If you notice a problem later on, contact the mod.
    Okay, it's best if you respond right away, but you may not have a problem with something until you try to write it. If you find that you just cannot write Neville/Luna, even though you said any Neville pairing would be okay, then contact the mod as soon as you realize it's a problem. Keep in mind it may be difficult to impossible to effect a swap late in the game. Make it clear that you do want to participate in the fest, and you do want to write a fic for someone. Groveling and flattery are always helpful.

  3. Write the fic. Don't drop out.
    Dropping out is under no circumstances acceptable or good enough. It's just not. If you are having trouble with the request, brainstorm with a friend. Try to write something else they requested. Try unrequited love, dream sequences, or fantasies, which may be easier to write if you don't believe totally in the pairing.

  4. If you will need extra time, write to the mod and ask for it.
    Contact the mod BEFORE the deadline and ask for extra time. Don't whine. Don't cite other exchanges or writing projects -- this only tells the mod that another fic is your priority instead of the one for her exchange. Give her a firm date when you would like to turn it in. Keep in mind this is a request -- she may say no.

    Sample email requesting an extension:
    Dear [mod's name],
    I am [lj name] and I am assigned to write for [giftee]. I have been working diligently on the fic, but unfortunately it is just not done yet. Could I please have a little extra time? I'm sure that I could have the fic to you by next Monday if that is okay with you.
    Thank you,
    [your name]

    Do not just hide behind your keyboard and think the mod will not notice if you don't turn your fic in. She'll notice, and then she'll wonder why you never emailed. Answer her emails. Give firm dates, not just vague delaying tactics. And then deliver on your promises. This is so important. Don't just ask for an extension because you feel it's nicer than dropping out early -- it's not. Once you ask for an extension, you're affirming that you intend to write the fic. By extending your deadline, the mod is placing her trust in you -- now you have to deliver. Depending on the exchange, if you are very late, some mods may accept a partial fic (half now, half later), or unbeta'ed fic as evidence that you are actually working on it/waiting for beta/writing something ridiculously long.

  5. You should still say thank you.
    Seriously. Say thank you. You do not have to gush on your lj or rec the fic, or acknowledge it in any other way. If you really hated the fic, you do not have to lie and say you did (although this is nicer and no one will hold it against you).

    Sample comment on a gift fic you really hated and could not even get to the end of:
    Thank you for writing this for me.

Now, those are the minimum requirements. That's what you need to do to keep a mod satisfied. But I'm not going to pretend that dropouts don't happen. They do. They are never, ever good, in any circumstance or in any way, ever. No matter what you do, a dropout is never good. If you want to be a good fic exchange participant, stop here and go back to the top of the post and follow the instructions up there. But shit happens, and some people do have to drop out. If your child is deathly ill or you've just flat lost your writing mojo or lost interest in the entire fandom, here's how to do it.

The Scum of the Exchange: Dropouts
  1. Email the mod in a timely fashion and fess up.
    Ideally, if you have to drop out, do it before the due date or as soon as you possibly can. Do not just hide behind your computer: email the mod and tell her. Seriously. It's the least you can do. Late dropouts are the absolute worst, because they give the mod even less time to deal with your irresponsibility. If you think you're going to drop out, let the mod know EARLY.

    Sample email to mod dropping out:

    Dear [mod's name],
    I am very sorry, but I will not be able to write my assigned fic for [giftee's name]. I understand the consequences. I'm very sorry, again.
    [your lj name]

  2. Realize that there are consequences to your actions.
    Most mods will not allow you to participate in their exchanges in future years. Many will not allow you to receive your gift. Some will post your name publicly. All will probably be disappointed, angry, or frustrated with you personally, even if they don't say anything.

  3. Please don't try this at home.
    It's not necessary to find your own pinch-hitter. It's just not. The mod may be able to make other adjustments behind the scenes, "re-gift" another fic, etc. You may only cause problems by attempting it. If you feel you must attempt to make up, OFFER to find a pinch hitter if the mod wants, but don't assume that this is what she would want. For me, I can specifically state that I do not want this. My pinch-hitters MUST be people I know and trust, not the friends of other slacker dropouts.

So, that's my guide. I'm happy to answer any questions, but I think the answers are covered up there. And when in doubt, as an absolute last resort: try re-reading your community's rules. Who knows, they might clear something up for you.

meta, smutty_claus, fandom

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