(no subject)

Nov 22, 2005 18:27

[ .. CURRENT .. ]
- Current Clothes: rebels football sweatshirt, cape may sweatpants
- Current Mood: tired beyond all reason.
- Current Music: ben harper
- Current Taste: some kind of raspberry tea that mama brewed up for me
- Current Make-up: leftover mascara, probably
- Current Hair: messy half straight nonsense.
- Current Smell: i'm stuffy.
- Current thing I ought to be doing: SLEEPING.
- Current Desktop Picture: a picture from saturday
- Current Favorite Artist: ben folds 4E.
- Current Favorite Group: i'd have to say jack's mannequin. but it's getting a little old. cause i listen to the same things too many times in a row.
- Current Book: nothing major, i think we finished the dubliners and i have to finish the chosen still.
- Current CD in CD Player: dispatch
- Current DVD in player: no ideaaa
- Current Color Of Toenails: some shitty beige i put on exactly two minutes before the party
- Current Refreshment: my fatigue.
- Current Worry: that i won't be able to stay conscious tomorrow.

- You Touched: mama hugged me before they left
- You Talked to: myself.
- You Hugged: mom.
- You Instant Messaged: danielle
- You Yelled At: danny. haha i made him sad.
- You Kissed: brett :-O oh as if we didn't all see.

[ .. FAV0URITE .. ]
- Foods: mashed potatoes.
- Drink: juicy juice! ks snapple, other stuff.
- Color: green.
- Album: ben folds live
- Shoes: oh god i can't pick.
- Candy: skittles and whoppers
- Animal: uhhh. otters.
- TV Show: boy meets world degrassi grey's anatomy rugratssss wtf.
- Song: i can't pick a favorite song ever. maybe living on a prayer. maybe annie waits. maybe not.
- Vegetable: taters count.
- Fruit: pinapple or grapes mmm
- Cartoon: family guyyy

[ .. ARE Y0U .. ]
- Understanding: yeah
- Open-minded: yeah
- Arrogant: not really
- Insecure: no
- Interesting: ehhhh
- Easily Amused: yeah
- Random: depends
- Hungry: always
- Friendly: yeah usually
- Smart: yeah
- Moody: yesss
- Childish: i'm either a 4 year old or a 40 year old, depends when you catch me.
- Independent: yeah.
- Healthy: no
- Emotionally Stable: yes
- Shy: not with most people
- Difficult: sorta
- Bored Easily: no
- Messy: god yes.
- Thirsty: yeah
- Responsible: not as much as pretend to be.
- Obsessive: yeahhhh.
- Angry: nahhh
- Sad: nope
- Happy: yes!
- Hyper: no. i mean, not right now.
- Trusting: yes.
- Talkative: sometimes

[ .. WH0 D0 Y0U WANT T0 .. ]
- Kill: www.jphuebner.com. i am not just playin'.
- Slap: how do i even respond to that?
- Tickle: clarissa!
- Look Like: a combination of a lot of people
- Be with right now: ....brrrett (4 days)
- Talk To Offline: someone to help me with the lab.
- Talk To Online: someone to help me with the lab.

[ .. HAVE Y0U EVER .. ]
- Eaten an entire package of Oreos? not in one sitting, but yes.
- Been on stage? yeah, lots in middle school but not since i started going to school with the pacers.
- Dumped someone? uh yeah.
- Gotten in a car accident? no
- Been in love? yeahhh.

[ .. FAV0URITE .. ]
- Shampoo? whatev. herbal, i guess.
- Toothpaste? whatever. minty fresh.
- Soap? netrogena or st. ives
- Room in your house? the cave. where i am now.
- Instrument? piano.

[ .. EITHER/0R .. ]
- Coffee or hot chocolate? hot chocolate
- big or little? haha.
- Lace or satin? uhhh. lace i guess
- New or old?: wtf?
- Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt: tommy.
- Vogue or Cosmopolitan?: uhhhh. teen vogue SUCKS ASS.
- Jeans or cords? jeansss
- Sweater or sweatshirt? depends on whether i'm going for comfort or glam. oh god.
- T-shirt or tank top? t-shirt
- Skirt or dress? skirt
- Wool or cotton? psh cotton.
- Rose or Lily? lily
- Oldies or pop? oldies. but pop sometimes.
- Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? i don't really know. do you know?
- Do you have a best friend? yes

[ .. IN THE LAST 48 H0URS, HAVE Y0U .. ]
- Cried? no
- Helped someone? sure. i'm always there to lend a helping hand.
- Bought something? gatorade blast!
- Gotten sick? i've been sick for a week or two, but i think it's finally passing.
- Gone to the movies? no, but i have a date for saturday ;-)
- Gone out for dinner? we go out all the time lately.
- Said "I love you"? no. not seriously.
- Written a real letter? i drafted one several times but that's it.
- Moved on? actually, yes
- Talked to an ex? no.
- Talked to someone you have a crush on? hahaha yesss.
- Had a serious talk? lots
- Missed someone? yesss
- Hugged someone? yesss
- Fought with your parents? sort of.
- Fought with a friend? not really

[ .. D0 Y0U / ARE Y0U.. ]
- Wear eye shadow? sometimes
- Put on a "front"? hahaha you best not be frontin'.
- Have a crush on someone? heck yes i do!
- Eat with your mouth open? jon says yes. survey says no.
- If you got a tattoo, where would you get it? waist-hip-ish
- What color is your floor/carpet in your room? it's actually called 'merlot'
- Are you lonely? nah
- Are you happy? yep
- Are you wearing pajamas? not technically, but i'll be too lazy to change out of these.
- Are you talking to someone online? no, i'm "working on my lab." actually, i'm talking to erin.


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