Title: Waiting on Forever
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Pairing(s)/Characters: USUK. Brief mentions of fem!Canada and others.
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Alternative universe. Brief sensuality.
Summary: In death, Alfred F. Jones relives his sixty-seven years of life. He summons memories of friendship, love, and loss, and looks for the one person who
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Comments 8
I didn't realize I've been believing the wrong age when Alfred died (I just reread the summary and was pleasantly surprised he died at age 67).
And dreams really help us cope with our everyday stressors. They help us resolve what we can't when we're conscious. And seeing Alfred stuck in his place and can't move on unless Arthur is back in his arms... I want to cry. Fifty-five years is a very long time to wait, to live, experiencing happiness, knowing it won't be experienced ever again.
I really want to hug Alfred ;_;
I am so sorry for your loss though. It is indeed, very hard.
The dream Alfred had is very precious. With Arthur there and sharing moments together. But to find out that it's just a dream really made me depressed. I feel so sorry for Alfred and it makes me want to reach out for him and tell that Arthur is always there and will never leave. To wait after sixty-seven years without Arthur by his side is pretty hard and lonely.
Now, I'll be over here crying for those two and wait until the next chapter arrives.
I'm just going to bawl in a corner while I await the promised happy ending. :)
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