Title: Waiting on Forever
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Pairing(s)/Characters: USUK. Brief mentions of fem!Canada and others.
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Alternative universe. Brief sensuality.
Summary: In death, Alfred F. Jones relives his sixty-seven years of life. He summons memories of friendship, love, and loss, and looks for the one person who
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Comments 27
Ok, ok, I'm gonna actually, you know, leave a decent review this time, instead of my constant flailings and such.
I REALLY loved this story. It was emotional, well-written, and had such a great vibe to it. Because despite the fact it was sad and we all knew Arthur died just from the foreshadowing at the start, it was still so beautiful and lovely. And this end wrapped it all up together beautifully. To have Arthur reveal that he had been there all along, always by Alfred's side, was heart wrenching. And knowing Alfred DID get to live his life with Arthur just...
I did tear up a bit at that.
Lovely, so amazingly lovely. Let me know when you do a new series, okay? I'll read it.
It is great how they both end up together again.
I cannot contain my love for this fic. Some of the earlier chapters scenes left me smiling with mush and the later more heartbreaking chapters left me rolling on the floor.
You can be more then pleased with yourself. You did an amazing job here.^^
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