General Patton once said that men go to war with each other because every man is at war with himself. And it's true. We're all made up of a hundred different conflicting sides, different perspectives we have of things, and they are constantly battling over which one is right. One side may believe that vengeance is justice, while another believes
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Comments 9
As for not going into class, I've done it a few times, but I always find something to do. Why didn't you take the time to work on your story for a while?
And I don't know about college (I still don't know what you guys in the US call college or university, it's hard for me to make a distinction) but university IS hard and you do have to study your ass off. Which is why I'm having a very hard time, seeing as I was never the one that studied a lot and I always relied on my talent with things.
As for the shaving your armpits thing...
No comment. XD
Colleges are any higher-learning institution that offers undergraduate and bachelors degrees, or is the undergraduate section of a University. A University is one that offers Master's degrees and doctorates in a graduate school system, or the buildings of such an institution.
Which is why you attend a University, while if you'd gone to PPC you would only have attended a College.
I had been told by people that college and uni are not the same thing, but they never exactly explained what the difference was.
How about the age at which you can study at each? Is there any difference there? Also, how long does one and the other take in years?
And Owen...I only realized you said you'd fap at Travolta's chin closeup after I posted my previous comment. WTF XD
-Whitey done stole black people
-blackeys got pissed
-who cares? Slavery for everyone!
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