trickortreatex Author/Artist!
first of all - hello! ♥ I am very excited to be getting to know you in the near future; thank you so much in advance for creating my gift - I am very much looking forward to reading it. What I would like you to know is that, to me, it is most important that what you write is something you are comfortable with and that you enjoy writing; you will find a list of things I love below, but these are merely suggestions, because no matter what direction you end up going to, I sure am going to love it!
I love angst. Anything angsty, really, angst is my crack. I have to say that I adore dark fic in general, but I'm not fond of the extremes; so I'd prefer if there were no highly graphic stuff - no heavy torture or kinks (including PWP, m-preg, mutiliation, etc) please, if possible! What I'm not all too fond of either are extreme AUs (i.e. modern!AU for ASOIAF) and crossovers (except for maybe a Narcissa Malfoy / Catelyn Stark fic), nor do I like very fluffy fluff very much. I do have a very soft spot for hurt/comfort and hints of romance in an angsty/dark fic, though.
Harry Potter
Druella Black, Cygnus Black, Narcissa Malfoy, Andromeda Tonks, Lucius Malfoy
A character I am fascinated with very much is Druella; I've always wondered what she would be like, really. I developed a very large and elaborated head-canon about her and she grew very, very dear to me, but of course I am not going to spoil or bias you in any way! What I am going to say, however, is that I've always believed her to be a cold and distanced but secretly very emotional woman and affectionate mother; I ship her endlessly and beyond with Cygnus and am in the very firm belief that they truly love each other to death and have an incredibly deep, intimate connection. If your have your own head-canon about her, I will be very excited to read about it! One major squick of mine, however, is abusive!Cygnus, so if you could stay away from that I would be very happy.
Generally, ever since they were introduced, I have been completely and utterly with the Black sisters, particularly Narcissa and also Andromeda (my fondness of Bellatrix has faded a bit over the years); Narcissa is my favourite character in the whole series, and anything about her would just be utterly amazing. My OTP of OTPs - together with Catelyn/Ned - is Narcissa/Lucius, so if you want to make me very, very happy... :D I won't go much into detail about Narcissa because, again, portray her however you would want to portray her and I will be truly excited! I also love Andromeda a lot and generally believe that Narcissa and Andromeda have always been very close and loved each other dearly. We don't know much about her, but the little information we get says a whole lot. I believe that she truly loved her family (particularly Narcissa) despite her escape, and things like an intense character study or her dynamics particularly with her mother and sisters are something I'm very, very interested in.
A Song Of Ice And Fire
Catelyn Stark, Ned Stark, Margaery Tyrell, Sansa Stark Melisandre of Asshai
I adore Catelyn Stark. She is by far my favourite character, in both books and TV Show. I love the development she has gone through, I love her strength and how, even in moments of great despair, she still pulls herself together and goes on, willing to risk everything, even her own life. What I would really like to see is something like an intense character study; maybe an internal monologue in one of her weak(er) moments far away from the war (her first night after the raven brought the message of her husband's death?) Speaking of her husband, I ship Cat very intensely with Ned (OTP feels forever), and anything Cat/Ned centered would warm my heart forever. (I also wouldn't mind a Lady Stoneheart piece; I think Lady Stoneheart is utterly tragic and her entire transformation is fascinating and terrifying at the same time. What is happening to her, what is happening inside of her? There's so much potential there!)
If you choose to go with ASOIAF, I would by far prefer a Catelyn piece, but since I've also requested other characters, let me go into detail about those as well. Margaery has also become one of my favourites very early in the series - I am incredibly impressed by her cunning combined with a certain genuine sweetness that should not come unnoted. She is incredibly smart and knows exactly what she wants and how to achieve it, but is never vicious - I firmly believe that she truly liked Sansa and I adore their relationship to pieces. There is not much to say about Sansa herself, because I am in such awe of her strength and the way she goes on forever and forever and develops such an incredible smartness that everyone always underestimates. She becomes a lot like her mother, tbh! Then, Melisandre. Melisandre has always fascinated me; we don't know where she comes from, we don't know who she is, truly, we don't know anything about her backstory. What or who has made her into this priestess of the Lord of Light, how did she find Stannis, did she ever have a childhood or a life as a usual woman? Again, there is so much potential there for a character study! :D
Memoirs Of A Geisha
Mameha, Hatsumomo
MoaG is my one favourite book of all time (I'm also very much in love with the movie) and Mameha certainly is one of my very favourite literary characters - I love looking behind the geisha mask and seeing the vulnerable side of her that we get to see very rarely but still. I've also grown to like Hatsumomo a lot over time for the same reasons (especially towards the end when she starts to completely lose it) and am especially fascinated by her relationship (and its development) with Mameha.
Anyone (particularly Miss G, Di Radfield)
I love so much about Cracks! My preference leads stronger towards movie rather than the book, but I really wouldn't mind receiving either canon. I requested all characters - since there are only a handful nominated - which includes Fiamma, but I'd rather prefer a piece centering around Di or Miss G. Basically, I will be happy about anything, but a Miss G character study would be particularly exciting because I have a lot of feels for her; she terrifies me, but then at the same time I just feel incredibly sorry for her because (at least in movie canon) she, too, was a victim of that boarding school and is quite obviously very marked by it. Di gives me feels as well because she is so very obviously in love with Miss G and doesn't even realise what is going on until it's way too late - but she manages what Miss G didn't succeed at and breaks away, which is great! No matter what or who you choose to go with, though, I'm sure that I will love it.
The Mummy Returns
Evelyn O'Connell, Rick O'Connell
One pairing I have come to ship fiercely, forgotten about for a while and re-discovered with doubled intensity, are Evelyn and Rick O'Connell. My full OTP feels only blossomed during The Mummy Returns, which I also far prefer to the first (while the third does not exist in my head), which is therefore the fandom I specifically requested. An Evy!centric fic/piece of art would be awesome, because I am so in love with that woman, haha. Generally, though, I don't have much headcanon yet for them to share, so I am completely excited and curious to see what you do with them!
Thank you so much for creating for me in advance, and as I said, what- and whoever you choose to go with (the Halloween-y-er the better), I will surely love it! ♥