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Comments 31

gelsey August 25 2020, 22:34:29 UTC
OCCUPATION: tech writer/girl Friday

1. Favorite movie, book, TV show, music: books- Harry Potter, Nevernight, a lot of things. TV show - Yellowstone, currently movie- ummmm I'm not sure. I'm stoked about Mulan?

2. Outside Fandom favourites: reading, animals, books, coloring

3. What do you do for fun? ride horses, listen to books, play with animals, photography

4. What do you want from Jack Skellington? something fun and festive, be it socks or a mug or stickers for my bullet journal or decorations. I love the spooky season and love to decorate for it. It's possibly by favorite holiday. I also like spooky creepy books, so I'd be satisfied with one in any format (ebook, audio, hard copy)

5. What's the best gift you've ever received? oh I'm not sure! There's been a lot of great things.

6. What is your Halloween aesthetic/what would your ideal Halloween look like? spooky creepy. Skeleton creatures and fall leaves and mums in the garden

7. Favourite Halloween ( ... )


kyliejeanne September 11 2020, 15:36:13 UTC

I love your favorite Halloween movies!


gelsey September 14 2020, 22:58:22 UTC
Thanks so much!


monkiainen August 26 2020, 09:50:59 UTC
LJ/DW USERNAME: monkiainen
COUNTRY: Finland

1. Favorite movie, book, TV show, music: Movies: Harry Potter, POTC, The Hobbit, LOTR. Book: HP, LOTR, The Hobbit. TV show: The Blacklist. Music: Nightwish <3
2. Outside Fandom favourites: Reading, and more reading!
3. What do you do for fun? Read, play Final Fantasy on PS4, knit, bake
4. What do you want from Jack Skellington? I LOVE candles, so they are a sure thing :) Also: funny socks, stickers, season-related books, yarn
5. What's the best gift you've ever received? Too many to mention!
6. What is your Halloween aesthetic/what would your ideal Halloween look like? Fall leaves, pumpkins, lots of candles
7. Favourite Halloween movie? Nightmare Before Christmas
8. What do you write about in your LJ? Real life, fandom-y stuff
9. Anything else we should know? :)

10. Will you be participating in Secret Pumpkin? Sure!
11. Are you going to or have you already filled out the google doc? Will do it in a minute

12. Obligatory Halloween-y GIF: ( ... )


lyssa027 August 26 2020, 15:41:33 UTC
LJ/DW USERNAME: lyssa027
OCCUPATION: special ed teacher

1. Favorite movie, book, TV show, music:
Book: A court of thorn and roses series by Sarah J Maas or The Others Series by Anne Bishop
Favorite Movie: I don't really have a favorite. I tend to watch the LOTR trilogy several times throughout the year, and I always watch Christmas movies in December, but that's really it?
TV Show: I don't really have any TV that I NEED to watch. I'll put things on like Glee, bad reality TV, Pokemon anime, and things like that on when I need background noise, but there's nothing I NEED to watch or anything?
Music: I like so much music. I think I like a little of everything,, some things more than others.
2. Outside Fandom favorites : Reading, road trips, video games, photography
3. What do you do for fun? color adult coloring books, read, waste time on the internet, write, read, road trip, visit national parks, hike, take pictures
4. What do you want from Jack Skellington? Stickers, washi tape, and ( ... )


inabsentialuci August 26 2020, 16:11:00 UTC
I wish I knew I was going going to have money. I would sign up in a heartbeat!


Really I just wanna do the gift thing. I said I quit friendzies. Also first three people I'm already tigtogiba34 August 26 2020, 20:46:51 UTC
friends with ♥

LJ/DW USERNAME: tigtogiba34 never renamed
also apologies to anyone ever unfriended by me with no explanation I've had a whirlwind of mental health issues and used my LJ as a safe space



Disabled due to car accident in 2017, Physical Therapy Beast

1. Favorite movie, book, TV show, music:
Right now I'm really into #OneChicago and binging Chicago Fire, Music Godsmack although been listening to a lot of Seether and female country Artists as there is this whole thing where stations play mostly Men and well I am not happy with that so I buy more women and play them in my car! Movies Superheroes (Wonder Womaaaannnn & Marvel) but Kill Bill is my main squeeze although I used to list Closer I have not seen it in so long. Book we will be here until Christmas. I love to read and there have not been very many books I have NOT liked.

2. Outside Fandom favorites: Baseball, WWE/ NJPW/ AEW (but not much just for Kenny Omega), Arteza Art Supplies, but I sleep a lot

3. ( ... )


RE: Really I just wanna do the gift thing. I said I quit friendzies. Also first three people I'm alr unbound_ophelia September 1 2020, 17:33:28 UTC
Funny that you say you are "one of the select few" who likes the Saw movies - they were a huge hype here back then and I know loads of people who like them.
(Not me though, I get super queasy about gore stuff)


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