what the fuck is up all true ninjas and ninjets im the mother fucking crow on docs sholder i see all and hear all and as of late ppl been fucking up so heras what i say this is called mester nothing
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DS... You know I care about you. But come on, man. Just because Ryan said one thing on the net doesn't mean you have to go and be a bitch right back. You're supposed to be the good guy, remember? You're supposed to be better than the rest of us. So, come on, do it! Be better than the petty little bitches out here. Please. You don't want to screw up your relationship with Ryan because of a mutha fuckin' girl, no matter who the girl is.
It's called responsibility... one thing to say, you're the last mother fucker out there that should be talkin' to anyone about responsibility. I'll be over there in a couple days, peace.
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