Title: The Game Grid
Genre: Sci-fi, Adventure
Pairing(s): main pairing- UsxUk, other pairings- Giripan, Spamano
Rating/Warnings: T
Summary: Alfred F. Jones, a programer/technician and arcade owner, and his friend Kiku create a machine and two new programs. But then an intruder comes and steals the machine with Alfred stuck in a digtal world! Tron
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Comments 8
This is close to the length of a short prologue chapter, but I think it may need to be developed a bit more to give it the big punch that befits the plot. Things are implied here, but you may need a little more background information to really get the ball rolling, and your grammar and spelling need to be looked over as well.
The people over at the workshop
workshop would be more than happy to help you~ And don't worry, they don't bite. ;D Even the betas and members of the workshop have other people look over their things, it's how we all improve!
But! Despite this, your plot is great, and I can't wait to see where you go with it! America's definitely the type to do something like this. ^^ And it'll be interesting to see how their relationship develops in this type of situation.
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