Title: “You Can’t Sing With a Broken Heart”
Author: Flynn
Pairing: Lea/Dianna (RPF)
Fandom: Glee
Disclaimer: How can they be mine when they belong to each other?
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: Approx. 1140
Notes: How much angst can one relationship take?
Spoilers: None
Summary: Lea’s world is spinning out.
Part I (
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Comments 4
Except my little burst of joy was promptly crushed by stupid Dianna and Mark. Poor, poor Lea =( She's still trying so hard to do what Di wants, even when she's hurting...
Haha on a brief side note, the entry is titled "Fuc: You Can't Sing...", which made me giggle when I read it...I was hoping maybe it was a subtle hinting at things to come in this chapter ;)
Update soon please!!
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