Title: the quiet hour Pairing/Focus: Sandeul/Gongchan Rating: PG Word Count: 1,760 Prompt(s) Used: Prompt #2 Summary: Sometimes, an hour of peace is enough. Notes/Warnings: N/A
I don't even ship this pairing. I don't get why I read. But I didn't regret. Not at all. This was very cute and fluffy to read~ I think those two are going to grow in me but they won't be able to crush down badeul, oh nuh-uh.
Comments 1
I don't even ship this pairing. I don't get why I read. But I didn't regret. Not at all. This was very cute and fluffy to read~
I think those two are going to grow in me but they won't be able to crush down badeul, oh nuh-uh.
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