Player Information:
Name: Anji
Journal: of Contact: or
Previous characters: N/A
Character Information:
Full Name: Kiki
Series: Kiki's Delivery Service
Canon point: A few months after the end of the movie.
Age: 14
Species: Human/Witch
Appearance/PB: upon arrival: Kiki, having tried to hide out from a rainstorm in the stock car of a train, is damp, tired, and covered in straw.
Previous RP memories: N/A
Bringing someone along?: Kiki will be bringing along Kuro, the kitten of her familiar, Jiji. Kuro does not talk, but he’s more intelligent and emotive than a regular cat.
Character History: : Personality:
Kiki is sweet, helpful and a little old-fashioned. She believes in holding doors, waiting her turn and walking old ladies across the street. She also believes in working hard and not accepting things she hasn’t earned. These small town values can lead Kiki into trouble, as she expects other people to be as honest and kind as she is, and finds herself disheartened and disillusioned when she discovers they are not. Her assumption that people are good until they prove themselves otherwise can lead to her being a little too trusting for her own good.
Despite all that, Kiki is still very much a teenager. She’s easily embarrassed and just as prone to fits of drama and wails of “my life is over!” as most girls her age. She’s a little insecure, about both her looks and popularity, and the ways in which being a witch make her different. She’d likes to wear the bright colors and fancy clothes that other girls her age do, but not only does she have to wear traditional black witch’s robes, but because she’s on her own, she can’t afford expensive things anyway. Being a witch also means that she’s independent at age thirteen, and living away from home and working a job is very different from what she sees other kids her age doing. Her insecurities often cause her to believe that people who ask her about being witch are actually teasing her, making it a little difficult for her to meet friends her own age. At one point her insecurities and lack of confidence became so bad that she lost her ability to do magic, but she’s grown quite a lot stronger since then, having gained new friends and a lot of respect around town after her daring rescue.
Kiki hasn’t quite learned what her own personal limits are yet, and her eagerness and good nature will often find her accepting more responsibility than she’s prepared to deal with. Her year on her own has given Kiki a new level of confidence, and she is excited to show those around her just how independent she has become. She is equal parts excited and nervous about her new role as a young woman, being eager to learn more and become mature, and at the same anxious about leaving behind her childhood.
Character Abilities: Kiki can fly when aided by a broomstick. She would be able to make potions and tell fortunes, if only someone would teach her how.
Possessions: Kiki is in possession of her clothes, a broomstick, a small bag of essentials, and a damp kitten.
Anything else: Nope~!
Action/Communication thread/post sample:
[The newly arrived Kiki is wandering outside the Splendor City Hall, her straw-covered dress dripping water onto the sidewalk, her broom and bag slung tiredly over one shoulder and wet, unhappy kitten mewling pathetically on the other.]
[She’s not sure who had put the enchanted music box in an otherwise empty stock car, or really, what sort of witch would make something like that to begin with, but she’s becoming increasingly annoyed at them with every step she takes.]
I mean, I’ve never even heard of something like a music box that sends you to weird places! If I could make something like that, I’d use it to make faster deliveries! Or to go to a tropical island! Something fun! I certainly wouldn’t use it to play tricks on someone!
[She huffs, her face screwing up in irritation.]
What kind of nasty person does that, Kuro? It’s just, it’s just plain… mean!
[She kicks at a nearby bench in frustration, only to hurt her foot. Of course, because tonight just had to get worse! She hops up and down a bit, trying to shake out the pain, and finally has to flop down on the bench, take of her shoe, and rub at her poor, abused toes.]
This is the part where you’re supposed to tell me how that was a dumb thing to do, Kuro.
[The kitten, for his part, offers nothing more than a whine. Kiki sighs, pulls her bag off her shoulder, and unwraps a now soaked sandwich. Both cat and witch are equally unimpressed by the wet food.]
Sorry, Kuro. You’ll just have to wait.
[She gives another sigh, this time a long, shuddering one, and sags against the bench]
I want… to know where I am. I want something warm to eat, and something dry to wear, and…
[She sniffles, scrubbing at her face because she’s an independent, nearly-grown witch, darnit, and she’s not going to cry just because someone’s decided to play a stupid prank on her.]
…and I want to go home.
Log/Prose sample:
The table was over-turned, the books pulled out of the bookcase, the cupboards opened and emptied. Everywhere there was evidence of Kiki’s frantic attempt to search each and every corner of the apartment for the elusive, sneaky Kuro. He wasn’t in any of his usual hiding spots - under the couch, in her sock drawer, on the top shelf of the linen closet. He wasn’t in any of his less usual hiding spots, either, and she had gotten desperate enough to even check the highly unusual - under the fridge, inside the vacuum cleaner, on top of the light fixtures.
It was time to face the facts.
Somewhere, wandering the twisting, changing streets of Splendor was a tiny, mischevious, and vaguely magical kitten.
A bag of cat treats in one hand, her broom in the other, Kiki inhaled a long and world-weary breath. “I can do this,” she hissed. “I made it through my whole training year with only one magical skill. I survived losing my powers and I got them back. And I saved Tombo, all by myself, when I could barely even fly!” She nodded to herself, like she could shake her head hard enough to shake the doubts right out of it. “I can do this. I can find Kuro no matter how big and enchanted this city is!”
And then she could lock him in a box and never, ever, let him out again.