Each of these ficlets was written under the premise that the gang of four know of and are conversant in FMA fandom, at least superficially. I thought you might enjoy them, too.
Fake cuts for each story will take you to my LJ, or you can read all three at
Archive of Our Own.
Title: Alchemy Vs. Star Trek
Fandom: The Big Bang Theory, Fullmetal Alchemist, Star Trek
evil_little_dogCharacters/Pairings: The gang of four.
Rating: K+
Word Count:
Summary: Leonard thinks it’d be cool to be an alchemist.
Warnings: Humor?
Disclaimer: No own. No money make.
fanfic_bakeoff Prompt: Free Write
“Wouldn’t it be cool to be an alchemist?” Title: Alchemy Vs. Magic
Fandom: The Big Bang Theory, Fullmetal Alchemist, Harry Potter
evil_little_dogCharacters/Pairings: The gang of four.
Rating: K+
Word Count: 180
Summary: Howard and Leonard try new outfits for cosplay at Comicon.
Warnings: Mentions of M/M shipping.
Disclaimer: No own. No money make.
fanfic_bakeoff Prompt: Free Write
"Chicks dig Edward Elric." Title: Alchemy Vs. Renaissance Faires
Fandom: The Big Bang Theory; Fullmetal Alchemist
evil_little_dogCharacters/Pairings: The gang of four + Penny.
Rating: K+
Word Count: 402
Summary: Sheldon’s tired of FMA.
Warnings: Humor?
Disclaimer: No own. No money make.
fanfic_bakeoff Prompt: Affinity
"I’d be all over Riza Hawkeye."