Check back here to see what's been filled!
- foxhoundmantis/coat_and_mask (fic)
- Sorrow/Fury (RP)
- notadalovelace/anyone. Glasses fetish. (RP with xmas_is_here)
- Decoy Octopus/Vulcan Raven (fic)
- a_sinister_man/shota_boy_unit (art) and (fic)
- acidisgayforme/fedorameansevil, with Hans and Snake switching control. (RP)
- Vamp/any of the Raidens. And maybe Sniper Wolf. (fic)
- FemmeKov/FemmeSnake (fic)
- a_sign_of_rain/foxhoundmantis/civilizedentity (fic)
- xmas_is_here/justin_filtrate badsex (RP)
- thatkindofguy/coatandmask (fic)
- a_sign_of_rain, give backinblackout a hug, man. (RP)
- Spooky/GS art (art)
- Liquid's Arm/Novel Snake (RP)
- notsostealthy & foxhoundmantis (RP)
- whyamisobritish/xmas_is_here/notahack (RP)
- Male Wolf/AU Fortune (art)
- eatenbykarma/darksideofwar (art)
- coat_and_mask/civilizedentity, with smartalec commentary from foxhoundmantis and a_sign_of_rain
- Fortune/Legs (Gray Fox can come, too)
- Volgin and female Volgin
- Crisis!Snake/Extreme!Snake. Corny dialogue and at least 3 back flips done by EXTREEEEEME must be involved. Bonus points for mention of pie or use of pie during sex.
- tiny_foxalive/thatkindofguy while still in or under the effects of the lie room
- endlesswarfare and madputer
- Decoy Octopus/anyone. He turned into Ditto, and you know what that means.
- Quinton Flynn/Ryan Payton. Bonus points if you somehow get PH in there!
- (Non-pairing) Kojima and Jesus on a father/son picnic! Flemmings can come too.
- GS/Spooky. Sex in the dark. Spooky's cum glows when he orgasms.
- Raven/Mei Ling. Metaphor-ridden foreplay.
- Anything with Cybergoth!Hal (another anon: Cybergoth!Hal/Nastasha)
- TCD!Joy/TCD!Sorrow
- Brawl!Snake/Meryl/Johnny Threesome
- Crisis!Snake/Awesome!Snake/Jake Snake. Jake Snake bottoms.
- Drebin/anyone
- Julie/one of the Octacons
- chickenfox/14096
- Python/Fury (in the ice cream room?)
- Touching reconciliation of a_sign_of_rain and revolver_kitty. Add in eatenbykarma and I will love you forever.
- shota_boy_unit/shotafox
- Sunny, Hall Patrol, and Olga--a sweet family meeting for the first time
- Volgin wears reading glasses. Fic, art, anything.
- Big Boss/Otacon breakup/problems. Bonus points for Otacon dumping BB.
- endlesswarfare/superbia_rising MOST DELICIOUS HARDCORE HATESEX.
- smallsorrow/alittlebitofjoy, cute and fluffy and happy and nice and sunshine and not involving death
- Richard Ames/Nastasha Romaneko
- Gene/Solidus
- shirtlessinak/young_glasses/whyamisobritish
- eatenbykarma/carrioncannon
- cougar_78/silverrevolver
- ku_wa_bara/dontshootplz
- patrolwithboobs finds out about hall_patrol and 0ldsnake and confronts Aleksandr about it...WHICH ENDS UP IN A THREESOME MAYBE?
- whyamisobritish/shirtlessinak/legendarysolid OR any other double Liquid plus a Snake combo. Two of them topping the other one, mix them up however. Anon would also be happy with jackalhunter/betterthansnake/jadedmercenary too.
- alphasniperwolf/not_adalovelace
- 0ldsnake and not_adalovelace get together, prompting jealousy from hall_patrol and/or xmas_is_here.
- Raikov/Mantis bondage. With Mantis being the one tied up.
- Old Snake/Big Momma
- alphasniperwolf/bringthefear hatesex
- Sunny finds out about her dad and Old Snake! Bonus points if she walks in on them and/or if Natalia and Ada are somehow involved, too.
- So when did foxhoundmantis start sleeping in a_sign_of_rain's bedroom every night? Sounds like an adorable story to me.
- REX/RAY hatesex!
- good ol' fashioned gay guy/lesbian smut attempt with thatkindofguy and sovetskiisuka
- man_eva and alphasniperwolf find out that actuallyhornets won the whore contest. Their attempts to figure out how a man covered in hornets got more than they ends in a threesome with the hornet-man topping. Bonus points for hall_patrol finding out and his reaction.
- xmasishere/whyamisobritish
- Human!Ray/Novel!Snake
- Decoy Octopus diguises himself as Scott Dolph for whatever reason, and gets practically molested by Vamp for many lulz.
- Ah... A threesome involving femmesnake, Ivanya and "sweetacon", please. Bonus points for it having something to do with the effects of a room, but that not actually being why. (Something like the truth room or Parapara's cookies that one time, maybe.)
- liquidcoho/solidcoho
- Ursula/Elisa
- Meryl/Chair hatesex
Updated 1/12/09.