Fandom wise, I guess not much. Seto speaking English? Did you get to hear that? He was speaking on behalf of D☆DATE to the international buyers at TIMM. He also spoke English in Jukujo and every week he's speaking English in Tokyo Airport, so it's kind of a Seto-English festival lately.
WE announced the next Dste, but not many details.
I don't think anyone died, got terribly sick, or had a scandal. You picked a good 2 weeks to be gone.
You missed Miura Ryosuke showing up in Los Angeles, CA, buying Kamen Rider shirts, and getting his picture slapped onto Tumblr for the fangirls to flail over. XD
Comments 2
WE announced the next Dste, but not many details.
I don't think anyone died, got terribly sick, or had a scandal. You picked a good 2 weeks to be gone.
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