With the news of the new anime series re-invigorating the fandom, it's time to bring back old customs. You may recall the old
Iron Smut challenges from ancient days of yore:
Iron Smut (Yaoi,) Iron Smut Threesome, Iron Smut Kink, Iron Smut Het, Iron Smut Yuri, Iron Smut Rarepairs, and finally,
Iron Crack. Well, it's been nearly two years to the day since the last Iron Smut challenge, and so we are proud to bring to you:
The Return of Iron Smut
That's right, we're back! Meaner and smuttier than ever, with a whole new challenge and a whole new board of participants!
If you have never participated in an Iron Smut before and don't know what it entails, you can check out any of the above links for explanation. If you don't want to sort through the links, here's the basic idea: Iron Smut is a timed, themed writing competition between (usually) four contestants. The competitors assemble on AIM or IRC at the scheduled contest time. They are given a theme and then have 90 minutes to write and post their fic in LJ comments on a post on this comm. At the end of that time, the spectators will vote for the winning fic.
This is a post to check for interest, as well as assemble a preliminary board of contestants. If you're interested in participating in, judging for, or just watching the Return of Iron Smut challenge, please leave a reply here!
Tentative schedule:
Saturday, October 5th, evening/night
Tentative board of contestants:
militsaannepackratzakai_sky_dark Alternates:
inugrlrayncryogenia Of course, we always have room for assistants and spectator/voters!