Title: The Desert Ague
crazybeagleRating: T for innuendo/language
Prompt: I would like some hurt/comfort with Ed in Creta or some other country in the east. Het please, but nothing explicit.....I'm looking for hurt/comfort with some sexy twists. Don't take yourself too seriously, if you can put in a few bits of comedy, I'd love it, but it's OK if you
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Comments 5
That being said, I'm looking forward to reading this!
I also had to laugh at Winry slapping Ed in the face with the dishtowel, and Ed still dithering over what he feels like his relationship is with Winry, when she's already made up her mind.
I'm guessing there will be various awakenings along the way to Xing's capital, if they even make it that far.
And I want to know what happened to the prince who'd been accompanying them, too...there're just far too many tidbits to this story!
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