Title: Cloak and Dagger of the Heart
Author: Zippit
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Prompt: I'd enjoy Ed/Riza. I'd like it if Roy had made a sort of political marriage to a civilian woman (so he could keep Riza as his subordinate instead). Ed, who has always had a crush on her, takes this as a green light to make his move. You can do with Winry what you
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Comments 2
This works.
This moment, this world, this Ed just works with her. Well. Done. You convinced me! LOL Excellent emotion in this, especially at the end and it totally leaves me wondering...what next! ;-)
I'm so glad it works. It's a difficult pairing to get right especially considering different their personalities but I think they work and are precious together. As for more...I don't know. Possibly? Maybe? *lol*
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