Outline~! I like diagonals.
I came across my JTHM book and that prompted a whole pile of doodlings. The style never stayed remotely the same from one picture from the next, hence I deemed these interesting enough to actually share.
Apparently I bear a remarkable resemblance to Johnny. Since these were, on many occasions, mistaken for self-portraits. >_>
This one is poorly executed. The mental image I had was much more haunting. The only reason I kept it was because I thought the poem was fitting (and it was an unusual circumstance wherein I wasn't deathly afraid to exhibit my godawful poetry).
I wanted to go for realism. It didn't quite work, but it's still interesting to see the range of difference between this style and
the actual.
I regret being a lazy ass on the outline. It warrants fixing at some later date.
I've been doing some realism things (in an attempt to prove to myself that I actually can draw things besides cartoons).
Cillian Murphy~
There's a lot of pictures still under construction. Hopefully they turn out better than these. >_>