Title: P.T. Hell Author: evil_little_dog Series: Manga/Brotherhood Characters: Jean Havoc, Dr. Marcoh, Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric Rating: Teenish Summary/Notes: The Elric brothers are always good for some entertainment.
I'm so glad you liked it! I kept telling Jean I needed more Elric interaction, and he was happy talking to Marcoh. *Headdesk* So I'm glad it works for you.
The ending chaffes less with the "magical healing" which is AWESOME, but my least favorite trope.
Realistic. Amazing. SPOT on everything that would be said. Oh! I will be rereading this.
And this?
Jean grinned. “Some of those nurses, they can increase the blood flow without a massage.” Ed blinked at him, like he had no idea what Jean was saying. He inscribed an hourglass figure in the air to help the kid out some. “You know? The massage is just a nice extra.”
Snickering, Al said, “Brother doesn’t notice things like that, Mr. Havoc.”
Soooooo how I see that when I write Havoc, Ed and Al. ;)
This is so great! I also loved the more realistic take to the healing, especially the part about Roy not being patient. I can so see that. I also liked how you touched on the part about his hands too. When you watch the anime you wouldn't even think his hands had been skewered with how he uses them after. Very nice attention to detail!
The interaction with the boys was awesome as well, especially Al! I could completely see him that way with Ed, sly and more observant. I really enjoyed how you captured that. Excellent fic!
Thank you, very much! Having a doctor for a best friend for half my life, as well as one I dragged into this fandom, I get to hear all the stuff that would happen in P.T. for Roy and Havoc and Al and Ed...so I had to incorporate at least some of them in this story.
That was so adorably funny. I love how Al gets Ed to just blush and blush. I can definitely see him doing that especially since he watched Ed for all those years when he was a suit of armor. I love how easy the interaction between the boys and Havoc was. I always saw them getting along well and you illustrate that here.
Thank you! Once I figured out what prompt to use, I knew I'd be able to do something fun with it. I knew that Al would have to razz Ed about Winry, and that Jean would appreciate all of that, since it's sort of the same thing he does to Roy about Roy's women.
Comments 8
The ending chaffes less with the "magical healing" which is AWESOME, but my least favorite trope.
Realistic. Amazing. SPOT on everything that would be said. Oh! I will be rereading this.
And this?
Jean grinned. “Some of those nurses, they can increase the blood flow without a massage.” Ed blinked at him, like he had no idea what Jean was saying. He inscribed an hourglass figure in the air to help the kid out some. “You know? The massage is just a nice extra.”
Snickering, Al said, “Brother doesn’t notice things like that, Mr. Havoc.”
Soooooo how I see that when I write Havoc, Ed and Al. ;)
Ed's clueless. *snicker* He notices Winry's butt, but that's about it.
The interaction with the boys was awesome as well, especially Al! I could completely see him that way with Ed, sly and more observant. I really enjoyed how you captured that. Excellent fic!
I love the brothers snarking on each other.
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