Title: Clean Hands from Shattered Glass
alice_pikeSeries: First anime/CoS
Characters/Pairings: Ed/counterpart!Trisha, Ed/Hei, implied Ed/Al (before and after CoS), talk of Trisha/Hohenheim
Word Count: 4,156
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Enticements: daddy!kink, incest of almost every possible immediate-family variety, ANGST (possibly some melodrama-
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Comments 4
I imagine that Ed's feelings were quite a mess during the CoS years, and had the potential to get a lot worse. But it's got both good and bad things, you know? So I'm glad the switching didn't seem sloppy.
I don't know that I've ever really seen one, either, but this freakin' movie gives us so many possibilities, so I kinda figured, "Why not?" I'm glad you liked it!
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