Home is where you hang yourself

May 19, 2004 21:54

So I am finally back from vacation, and I must say it was nice to live without responsibility for a while. Thornton's place on Cumberland island was fucking amazing. Descriptions would simply do no justice to how beautiful the island is and how nice his compound was (house would definitely not be the correct term for this place). Organicmatter01 and I went kayaking in the marsh for a while which was neat, and later I rode a dirt bike around the island for a while which was most excellent. There were wild horses and armadillos all over the place, and no people to speak of for miles around. It was really an incredible place.

Making a huge amount of money isn't really the motivation for wanting to pursue law in my education, but I gotta say it doesn't discourage me from heading that direction when I see Thornton's place. He is obviously doing pretty goddamn well for himself. I actually didn't get to have as much personal conversation with him as I would have liked as a result of there being other people around most of the time, but I did get a vague invitation to come back in the future. There have have actually been some very unusual developments pertaining to Thornton and my family recently, but it isn't my place to go into that here. But regardless, he is someone who I have a great deal of respect for, and in many ways consider to be a mentor.

After staying there for a while we headed to St. Simon's island where we had rented a house. The place was quite large, including two upstairs bedrooms and a porch on the second story roof with a hammock that became a very close friend of mine. The whole time I really didn't do anything of particular interest or import. I played a lot of spades, drank a lot of wine, and smoked a few joints under the stars, but that's about it. Even though we were a 2 min walk from the ocean, I am not much of a beach bunny, but I did go out a few times and have the slight tan to prove it. I never actually went in the water though, mainly just played boccie ball in the sand.

One thing I had occasion to notice while I was at St. Simon's was the birds. There were tons of interesting birds everywhere. I have never been especially interested in them before, but for some reason I was very much taking note while I was there. My favorite of all of them was a black bird with bluish head and shoulders, which I was told is a "grackle." I have never seen such a handsome bird before, and he seemed to constantly be around the house doing various birdly activities. As much as is possible with a wild bird, I felt as though I befriended him, and I decided he would make the perfect model for a servitor I have been conceiving of, not to mention a place in the hallowed hall of my LJ icons. GRACKLE POWER!

Coming home was pretty uneventful on the whole, and I am at werk now. The highlight of returning was definitely Sans_fur's enthusiasm at seeing me, and then going to Master Foot & Dr. Pajamas' house for heavy duty political and theological discussion and free beer. Always pleasant when people make you feel as though you were missed when you were gone!
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