Nov 19, 2011 02:23
the old m-- iroh's gone home.
anyone wanna take a field trip to the wastes for the day?
[Voice | Filtered to Katara:]
Do you want me to move out or-- stay away for a couple days? Your call.
[Voice | Filtered to Raven:]
You gonna be by the dojo tonight?
[[ooc; this is forward-dated to the morning after prom~]]
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[When he doesn't immediately peer the freedom fighter, he clears his throat, folds his arms and calls out.] Hey, I'm here...
[Here goes.]
Jet, I wanted to apologize... I was out of line last night and I said some things I shouldn't have. I'm sorry.
Don't. If anyone was out of line, it was me. You trusted me with're her brother, and I shouldn't have done what I did. I don't expect your trust or respect least not anytime soon.
[Softly:] Sorry.
C'mon, let's walk. Maybe talk a little if you think you can listen for once.
Should've started doing that a while ago, huh?
[He opts to leave his arms crossed, but it's a more relaxed than usual, as is Sokka's pace.]
With Iroh gone now, I really got to thinking, y'know? Thinking about what we have here, what we don't, people coming and people going, what the Animus does to us... It was something Katara said that made me realize I couldn't be angry: she was confused. [Sokka laughs.] And aren't we all?
I think this place breeds confusion. And loneliness. It only makes sense that we'd all be drawn together whether we meant to be or not.
[Jet focuses on his feet while he walks. Nodding occassionally, he makes sure to acknowledge what Sokka is saying. He can't process it all, but he gets the most part. He hopes.]
Yeah...that's all that happened.
I don't love her. It's not like that. [It's said a little defensively. He thinks his words are true, but that's pretty hard to convince anyone of after what happened, isn't it? Shaking his head a little dismissively he exhales. He doesn't want to have to think anymore. Sorting out his feelings? That required thinking, especially since this isn't just Sokka, his friend. This is Sokka, Katara's brother.
We just live together. I'm there if she needs me.
And that...other part was confusion. Nothing's coming out of it.
Just stop, okay? Why can't you be straight with me?! [He halts his steps, eyebrows drawn.] You love her. We all love her. You can at least admit that -- even if you're going to stand here and deny all those feelings are romantic, you can't just pretend like your not going above and beyond the duties of a friend!
I love her the same way I loved everyone that helped me back home, with the same kind of love I have for you. It's different because we do live together, yeah, and I've been there to pull her through her rough spots. She's done the same for me, Sokka. You think the duties of getting her to stop crying are something I'm proud of? Her and I...we've already been down that other road before.
That's all we are and it's all we'll ever be, Sokka. Friends.
Okay. I respect that.
I guess the only thing left to do is talk to Katara about it because if you're saying friends and she's kissing you, then I suppose she's the one with the wrong idea.
She doesn't want anything out of it. I was just there- wrong place, wrong time, wrong feelings. There's nothing to talk about it.
[There is NO bitterness there.]
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