kyasdaughter Jet has become a lot closer to Katara than he thought possible in Adstring. Being he doesn't remember his redemption back home, his goal had been to make it up to her in particular. Due to a recent string of events, though, his feelings are more questionable than anything. He won't admit that he views her as more than a friend and is actually afraid to hurt her. Again. Jet Adstring is unpredictable. For now he'll settle for her being his closest friend and hope she doesn't get pulled away anytime soon. He's not sure what he'd do.
k_i_k_y_o Kikyo is a priestess, and from what he can tell, one with good-intentions. She was the first one he had personally met in Adstring, and he was surprised at how much faith she seemed to have in him. While he doesn't entirely understand her motives or actions, he'd gladly help her out if she ever needed it.
fallenapple Kyoko is cocky and outspoken and more-than-willing to call Jet out on whatever it is he doesn't seem to be doing right. This is what he likes about her, actually. While it can be annoying, her assertion is something he's able to relate to. He considers her a friend after the few conversations they've had and would help her out given she needed it.
coraltaijiya Sango is someone Jet would like to learn more about. She's friendly and very skilled in battle - and she gave him his demon-kitten. He sees no faults in her personality, but is pretty sure he should give it more time before making any assumptions.
angle_on_it The relationship he has with Sokka is one Jet would have never expected but is very grateful for. He has been through a lot with Sokka, as well as put him through a lot. Still, an unsaid, extreme trust has developed between the two and Jet views Sokka as a brother he would do anything for. Like Katara, he is family, and though they hit some rough patches Jet never doubts this. He would do anything he was able to help the tribesman out.
fanismighter Suki is Jet's sister, do not argue that point with him. Somehow, she's become part of his ever-growing Adstring family and he wouldn't have it any other way. She's strong, confident and skilled. He wishes he had gotten the chance to meet her at home, but isn't sure what that would even lead to given his set past with the others. Regardless, if she needs him, he's there, and he feels the same way about her.