challenge #005: Cast Photoshoots

Apr 16, 2010 19:27


Your challenge consist on make up to 3 icons made from photoshoots of any actor of the show.
Any kind of photoshoot is allow :)

some sites in which you can find caps: (of course you can use other sites) || mostly-filler || blackcelebration || || || ||
inadream-caps || || || kylechandlercentral || ||

You can make the icons of any image/cap of Friday Night Lights or its cast, that adjust to the theme of the challenge.

You can submit up to 3 icons per contestant.

Post your icon and the icon url in a new post to the community and tag your entry with your username --> @noisettee

Your icons must conform to LJ standards (100x100, 40 KB). All effects are allowed.

Deadline for this challenge is:
SATURDAY 1ST MAY 21.15 GMT + 2 . (current time?) more or less.

Remember that premade icons are not allowed, they must be NEW for ALL challenges here!

If you don't have posting access and wants to participate, apply - here - :)

You can suggest us new ideas for future themes challenges, + here + in the suggestion box ;) thanks in advanced <3

if you could pimp us fnlelite I will thank you forever! ♥ We need desperately more people participating in order we can have more fun and competition...


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