Title: Three Times Chekov Got Himself Out of Trouble (3/3)
Rating: PG-13 (for mentions of sexual situations)
Summary: After some unfortunate events, Chekov find himself in trouble again.
Note: Yes, this one lacks porn 'cause I was lazy and did not feel like writing it. But I'm sure you'll be happy with the fic anyways.
Chekov and Viktor continued their fling until graduation. During this time, Viktor taught the ignorant Chekov all the things you could do in sex. By the time of graduation, Chekov knew a lot about the birds and the bees, and enjoyed every minute of it.
Unfortunately for the two buddies, they had been assigned to different ships, with Chekov being the navigator for the USS Enterprise and Viktor being the helmsman for the USS Stratosphere. They had to part ways and both were deeply upset.
“It’s been fun,” said Viktor, trying to feel happy that they were done with Starfleet Academy.
“Yeah,” Chekov was trying to do the same but wasn’t having much luck either.
“You’ll make an awesome navigator, Ensign Chekov,” stressing his name.
“You’re not going to be such a bad helmsman either, Ensign Johnson.”
Viktor grinned, playing with the capsules in his hand, “I almost forgot, this here is for you.” He handed a tube of gold powder to Chekov.
“Vat is it?” he observed the object closely in his fingers.
“It’s Sensationia Gold. It’s a really effective aphrodisiac,” Viktor taught Chekov about aphrodisiacs, they tried eating green M&M’s to see if they really do make you horny. They don’t know if the candy worked or not, but they certainly did it that night. “I want you to have it as a reminder of me.”
Chekov smiled and said, “Thanks, but I don’t have anything for you,” he looked down at the floor, saddened.
“That’s why I have two of them. This one is for me to think of you with.” Chekov still looked sad. “Cheer up, I didn’t expect you to get anything for me,” using his finger on Chekov’s chin to lift his head up.
“You’re so nice to me,” rubbing Viktor’s shoulder.
Viktor held the hand on his shoulder, “I’m only nice to people that are nice to me. Now give me a hug, they’re calling for us to go to our ships,” they embraced before parting ways. As Chekov walked to the Enterprise, he firmly grasped the capsule in his hand.
After the epic battle between the Romulans, all ships were given shore leave back in San Francisco. As part of their shore leave, they were required to attend the memorial ceremony for all the Starfleet casualties. At the ceremony everyone was to sit in silence as each name was announced. Chekov felt like he was punched in the stomach when he heard one unexpected name called out, Viktor Johnson. He was completely paralyzed, expressed no emotion, he just sat there.
As the ceremony ended and everyone had left the room, Chekov still sat there. Hikaru Sulu, who had sat beside him, asked if he was alright, but Chekov was completely unaware of his surroundings. Viktor’s named kept echoing inside his head. Eventually, his captain, James Kirk had to drag him out of the room. He was offered a grief counselor, but shook his head and sulked to his dorm. They had yet to occupy his past dorm room, so they let him stay in it while on his leave. He had expected to meet up with Viktor, but not anymore.
Once he got into the room, he immediately laid down on the bottom bunk. Reality was slowly coming to, and his eyes reddened with the emotional build-up. Tears flowed out and he tried to stop them by closing his eyes but they kept coming and he could not stop them. He could not stand the fact that he’ll never see his best friend anymore. The crying lasted for a good ten minutes before he eventually calmed down.
His hands were on his sides the whole time but he just now noticed the lump he felt in his pocket. Taking out the object, he remembered that he kept the capsule of [insert sex pollen name] in his pocket at all times. It had never been open; he was hoping to use it for the first time with Viktor.
Chekov sat up on the bed, and stared at the capsule. The gold shined through the glass and a reflection of a familiar face appeared in the clear solid. He was imagining that Viktor was there with him, sitting across from him. He imagined that Viktor was also holding his capsule, trying to open the cork. Chekov did the same. The nonexistent Viktor looked at him, and then put the opening to his nose and sniffed some of the powder into it. Chekov again did the same thing, uttering, “For Wiktor.”
After ten minutes of letting the aphrodisiac sink in and Chekov feeling himself in inappropriate places several times, a knock came from the door of his room. The dull tone of Mr. Spock came from the other side, “Mr. Chekov, the crew is quite perplexed by your elongated absence, have you recovered from your grieving?”
Chekov walked over to the door and opened it. He leaned against the side of the doorway and smiled at the commander.
“I see that you are in capable shape, Ensign.”
With that remark, Chekov flailed his arms over the Vulcan’s shoulder and hung on to him. With one arm, he proceeded to pinch Spock’s butt. He looked at Spock while biting his lower lip and a flirtatious smile on his face.
Spock tried not to show a sense of emotion as he stated, “Mr. Chekov, are you under an altered state of consciousness?”
“Sure, let’s go vith that,” playing with his curls and continuing to smile somberly to the Vulcan.
“What is that gold substance on your sleeping quarters?” observing the room of any suspicious objects.
“Something my friend gave me,” his smile slightly faltering at the thought.
Retrieving a radio from his waist, Spock spoke into it, “Can I please have the assistance of a biologist at Pavel Chekov’s room and can you please inform the hospital wing that Commander Spock is sending Pavel Chekov for inspection.” An ‘affirmative’ came from the radio and Spock put it back on his waistband. Hoisting one of Chekov’s arms over his shoulder, he said to the ensign, “Doctor McCoy needs to observe you for any anomalies.”
“Yeah okay,” letting Spock drag him to the hospital wing. Once they got there, Nurse Chapel retrieved Chekov from Spock and led him to an observation bed, and announced that the doctor would be arriving in a moment. Chekov just sat there, feeling himself over once more, Chapel and Spock trying not to notice.
“Damn it Jim, I’m a doctor not 8-dollar whore!” McCoy said. He then shut his radio, and walked over to Spock whose eyebrows were raised at the doctor. “Oh, don’t look at me like that; it is just Jim being Jim. Now what’s wrong with Ensign Chekov?” The two men walked over to the young man lying on the observation bed who was using his hand to gently graze over his torso.
“According to my observations, I do believe Mr. Chekov is intoxicated with an unidentified substance.”
“He’s high?” McCoy asked, trying to comprehend Spock’s jargon.
“Affirmative,” a buzz came from Spock’s radio; it was a botanist from the biology department giving back a report. Spock thanked the man over the radio and reiterated the findings to McCoy. “The unidentified substance is a type of pollen. It is completely harmless, but is widely used as an aphrodisiac.”
“That would explain his explorative behavior. I think I need to do further testing on the substance, can you please ask the biology department to bring it to the hospital wing?” Spock nodded to the doctor, and walked out the door talking into the radio. McCoy turned his direction to Chekov, using his medical scanner to record his bodily functions. Everything was normal other than a slightly raised brain activity. A couple of minutes later the drug was brought down and McCoy set it on the bed pan next to his other instruments.
Chekov stared at the capsule on the bed pan, memories of Viktor filling his head. Even with the effects of the Sensationia Gold, Chekov’s feelings of Viktor’s death came through. A tear ran down his face and McCoy caught notice.
“Are you alright Ensign?” he took a sip out of a cup of coffee he recently brewed. “Captain told me that you were acting weird after the ceremony.”
“It’s that capsule. My friend gave it to me before our mission.”
“I’m guessing he died, or are you crying for a different reason?” McCoy was never really good at being sensitive.
McCoy gave out a frustrated sigh and begrudgingly said, “Do want to talk about it?”
“It’s not something I like to talk about.”
“Oh thank God.” McCoy went over to observe the capsule. Hanging around with Kirk long enough at the academy gave him the ability to recognize most recreational drugs in all its forms. He immediately recognized the gold powder as aphrodisiac. “This friend, he gave you a sex drug? Are you not telling me something about this friend?”
“Like I said, I don’t really want to talk about it.”
McCoy just rolled his eyes and then rubbed his forehead. “Well, Sensationia Gold is not harmful but its effect’s last for a while, and I can’t really do anything since it’s already in your bloodstream so I suggest you stay in your room for the rest of the night and you’ll be fine in the morning.” He also mumbled about Chekov having lots of fun, “I’m going to let this slide due to its importance, but I unfortunately cannot give this back to you. You’re going to have to remember your ‘friend’ some other way.” He called nurse Chapel on the radio and asked for her to escort Chekov back to his room, advising her to watch his hands.
Chekov spent the rest of his night in his room thinking of ways to remember Viktor.
Please tell me what you think.