Title: IDK My BFF Sulu?
fofomazuzu Rating: G
Summary: Chekov bought BFF rings for Sulu and himself; Sulu is defensive of them.
Note: It's another prompt I got from
st_xi_kink ---
Chekov walked into the deck with a box in his hand. When he sat down in his position, he turned his chair in the direction of Sulu. “I got this for us.”
Sulu glanced over at Chekov with the box in his hand. He took it and looks at it for a moment. “What is it?”
“Open it!” Chekov said, grinning from ear to ear.
Sulu opened the wrapped box to see a pair of rings; they were made of cheap plastic and were colored yellow. Sulu looked up at Chekov, who still had his excited face on, and asked, “What are these for?”
“They are for the both of us to wear,” he took one and put it on his ring finger.
Sulu continued to observe the ring. He rotated the ring to reveal three letters written in black. “What does ‘BFF’ mean?”
“The seller told they stood for ‘Best Friends Forever’! I thought they would be so cool for us to wear!”
Captain Kirk, who was overhearing the conversation, stifled a laugh when he heard Chekov. Sulu slightly blushed, still looking at the ring.
Chekov noticed, “Do you not like them?” His face switched to a worried frown.
Sulu absolutely hated it when Chekov frowned; it was so painful to look at. He immediately placed the ring on his finger and said, “No, there is nothing wrong with them, they are really nice Pavel, thanks!”
Chekov went back to a teethy smile and turned around to do his work. Sulu did the same, and then felt a hand massaging his shoulder. It was the captain, who was smiling at him. “You’re a really good friend, Mr. Sulu.” Sulu flashed him a smile and then focused on the screen ahead of him.
Sulu was sitting at a table in the mess hall when Scotty sat across from him. They sat there quietly until Scotty looked up and noticed the ring on Sulu’s finger. “Ay, what is that on your finger?”
“Oh, this? Something Chekov gave to me.”
“That boy’s certainly something, ain’t he?” taking a large amount of food into his mouth with a fork. Sulu nodded. “So, when do you plan on taking that thing off?” Right as he asked it, Chekov sat right next to Sulu.
Sulu looked over at Chekov, who he was sure heard the question. He took his arm and swung it over Chekov’s shoulder. “Never, just like it says, ‘Best Friends Forever’! Right Pavel?” Chekov smiled and nodded.
Scotty gave them both a weird look and then went back his food.
Sulu was in his dorm, playing with the ring on his finger, some of paint was coming off and a noticeable green stain was appearing on his skin. He was thinking of taking it off and giving Chekov some excuse as to why. He then heard a knock on the door. Opening it revealed Chekov, whose face was looking at the floor, one of his hands in a fist, and he was sniffing as if he was crying. He eventually looked up, he really was crying.
“What’s wrong? Said Sulu, worried. He escorted Chekov into the room and sat him on the bed.
“I… accidentally… broke… the… ring…” sniffing in between each word. He opened his fist; the ring was broken in half.
Sulu sat down on the bed right next to him, side-hugging Chekov. “It’s okay; it doesn’t mean that we still aren’t ‘Best Friends Forever’.” This caused Chekov to smile and lean his head on Sulu’s shoulder.
“You can take yours off too now since it’s no longer a pair. Plus, I’ve also heard some of the crew laughing over them,” Chekov stood up and went towards the door, “Thanks for understanding, I’m so glad to consider you a friend, Hikaru.” He then left the room.
Sulu sighed heavily and then went back to staring at the ring. He tugged it up his finger, and it easily came off.
The next day, Chekov came into the deck, cheerily as ever. He sat at his position and looked at Sulu. He had his arm on the work desk and his head was lying in his hands, but the thing that caught his eye was the yellow plastic ring still on his finger. Chekov was caught by surprise.
Sulu had finally noticed that Chekov came in and said, “Hey Buddy, feeling better today?”
“I’m great! Thanks… BFF,” Chekov smirked; Sulu was not only smiling but blushing.